Nightingale & Sparrow

Descending melody

Descending melody

Emily Ford

The wind is set to D minor
the sky drops its opera
first on the heads and shoulders of the land
then in our front gardens
the lyrics go like this
        done we are done, bury it all
I want to take my clothes off
and lie in the snow
I want osmosis
I want to fall upon the world
        the laughter is too piercing
        dull it
we shiver not from cold
not always
sometimes we shiver
because we recognise
the voice that makes the pines bristle
        the grass is too green, blanket
        all in white, toss the air opaque
cupping mugs of brief comfort
draping multicoloured lights
across dead things and facades
        block out the sun
holding each other
under duvets under blankets
        block the roads, separate them
nesting in couch corners
lighting spiced candles
shuffling carbs from cupboards
to ovens to plates
        darken their mornings
when the worst happens,
there is comfort in this
blustering melancholy
        they will see nothing beyond their feet

Emily Ford