Nightingale & Sparrow

Kari A. Flickinger

Kari A. Flickinger

Poetry Contributor

Kari A. Flickinger spent her childhood wandering aimlessly through the mountains of Northern California. She was a 2019 nominee for the Rhysling Award, and a finalist in the Iron Horse Literary Review’s 2018 Photo Finish. Her poetry has been published in, or is forthcoming from Written Here: The Community of Writers Poetry Review, Riddled with Arrows, Burning House Press, Door-Is-A-Jar, Ghost City Review, and Isacoustic among others. She is an alumna of UC Berkeley. When she is not writing, she can be found playing guitar and singing to her unreasonably large Highlander cat. Find her:; @kariflickinger.  

Works in Nightingale & Sparrow
