Nightingale & Sparrow

Kimberly Wolkens

Kimberly Wolkens

Fiction, Poetry and Photography Contributor

Kimberly Wolkens is a Marketing Coordinator by day and an author of dark short stories and poems by night.  She enjoys being a part of the review team for Ginger Nuts of Horror.  Kimberly devotes her spare time to reading and reviewing horror stories, writing, or rustic camping. She is also a huge fan of 90’s grunge and alternative music.  She lives with her husband in rural Michigan. Her works have been published by Nightingale & Sparrow, and she has short stories published in Blood from a Tombstone (1 & 2) and Don’t Open the Door anthologies.

Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

Into the Unknown

The Popples are Sleeping

A Mother’s Love

The Lion-Side of March