Nightingale & Sparrow

Ode to Klickitat Cabin

Ode to Klickitat Cabin

— for Henry & Betsy

Joann Renee Boswell

noise pollution scant,
echo drift sound-surround
keyboard grounded,
conjoined trees skyrocket
cascade kerfuffle overhead
pine cones crash collide
Earth-bound like these words,
whirling brain-mirrors,
virile temptresses yurt-lure,
shimmer south, cicada
plants irreverent rhythms,
Vivaldi applauds trip
into posterity, pines persist,
drop seeds, plunging deeper,
thud soft as August sweet
grass, trembling virginal
wedding night, clouds
besotted butter-dish-glide,
simmer soil tryst
sun-ripened blackberry lips,
butterfly super powers
elevate, Pine-Elevator, lift
transcendent mortality, fly
final kiss, dip, encircle eternal
indebted atmosphere swoon.

globe me whole.

Joann Renee Boswell