Nightingale & Sparrow

Soft susurrus

Soft susurrus

Athena Melliar

Short interludes of gold sand suffuse blue
like fingers gently strumming string-waves,
humming sea tunes, humming away the blues.

Waves furl and unfurl, foam wriggles through you.
Lips — open caves — sing on wave upon wave
short interludes of gold suffused with blue.

Let this be — sea insists — let this be you:
skin soft susurrus-laved and soul sun-laved
humming sea tunes, humming away the blues.

You are not alone, you belong to
a family of seas swaying to staves —
short interludes of sand that suffuse blue.

Which body played which note? You are not new.
Which sea played which note? And you have no grave.
Humming sea tunes, humming away the blues

seas fuse the rhythms of life with joy — you knew.
Sea is your root. Can you unhear a wave?
Short interludes of gold sand suffuse blue
humming sea tunes, humming away the blues.

Athena Melliar