Nightingale & Sparrow

Tag: Microchapbooks – 2020

  • Nightingale & Sparrow Micropoets: The Top Ten – 2020

    Nightingale & Sparrow Micropoets: The Top Ten – 2020

    Publication Date: 29 December 2020
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press
    14 Pages



    In the leadup to each issue of Nightingale & Sparrow Literary Magazine, the N&S editorial staff selects a series of micropoems to feature on social media in the days leading up to each issue’s launch.  While these pieces aren’t published in the magazine issue, they’re posted to the N&S site alongside the issue’s web archive.

    To further give back to our micropoem contributors, we’ve decided to publish yet another microchapbook of micropoems.  Featuring the “top ten” N&S micropoets of 2020, we’re thrilled to share the 2020 edition of Nightingale & Sparrow Micropoets!

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    The top ten micropoets of 2020 were chosen by the N&S staff.

    • His smile – Carl Alexandersson
    • And So We Dive – Claire Loader
    • Vs. – Amanda Crum
    • Finding Love in Coffee – Amanda N. Butler
    • Eternal Carvings – Timothy Kelly
    • Groove – Tanasha Martin
    • morendo – Maggie Wang
    • Miss, What If They Call It Gay Club? – Liz Chadwick Pywell
    • first grade mural – Matthew E. Henry
    • Forest of Us – Carolyn Agee

    View all of our micropoems by issue here.

  • ephemeral by Samantha Rose

    by Samantha Rose

    Publication Date: 10 November 2020
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press
    10 Pages

    Genre: Poetry

    Have you ever longed for something you could never touch? Have you ever touched something you knew you’d never hold?

    Sometimes it can feel as though being in the world consists of nothing more than passively watching people pass through from behind a glass wall, coming and going too quickly for us to fully realize the gravity of their presence. Life can also be described as a seemingly infinite series of moments woven together by the dizzying hand of time, and getting stuck in the details is somehow always easier than seeing the big picture. Seeing the big picture almost never occurs unless through the 20/20 vision that is hindsight.

    And in those moments when you did manage to hold onto something, is the time we have with that thing, that dream, that person, ever enough?

    I wrote this book on the premise that the answer to that last question is always “no.” The tragedy of existence is that the time we have in this lifetime will never be enough. Time is fleeting, and so are love and loss. Ephemeral is my attempt to explore themes of love, longing, loneliness, and endings, while a the same time, memorializing them. Everything is ephemeral – even this book – and we must remember not to miss the love in front of us, while also coming to terms with the fact that nothing – the good or the bad – lasts forever.

    This tiny book contains ten short poems and measures approximately 2.125 x 2.75 inches. Each book is handmade and numbered, representing its place in the limited 100-copy run.

    Each copy is uniquely hand-crafted/folded; because of this, some uneven edges do occur. We think it gives them more character!

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    About the Author

    Samantha Rose has a BA in sociology and philosophy from George Fox University and resides in Portland, OR with her cat, Tuna. Unsurprisingly, she often writes about topics surrounding existence and meaning, sociopolitical criticisms, and the beautiful complexity of human relationships. Her work has been featured in journals such as Feminine Collective, Quail Bell, and Mojave He[art] Review. She enjoys art of all forms, and you can often find her painting with coffee when she’s not drinking it with her nose in a book

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  • Queer Girl Falls by Lannie Stabile

    Queer Girl Falls
    by Lannie Stabile

    Publication Date: 22 September 2020
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press
    10 Pages

    Genre: Poetry

    Queer Girl Falls is a brief but vivid story about a young girl discovering hunger. It starts with a scramble to name the pangs in her maturing body and ends in the confident swallow of a personal truth.

    This tiny book contains ten short poems and measures approximately 2.125 x 2.75 inches. Each book is handmade and numbered, representing its place in the limited 100-copy run.

    Each copy is uniquely hand-crafted/folded; because of this, some uneven edges do occur. We think it gives them more character!

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    About the Author

    Noa Covo

    Lannie Stabile (she/her), a queer Detroiter, often says while some write like a turtleneck sweater, she writes like a Hawaiian shirt. A finalist for the 2019/2020 Glass Chapbook Series and semifinalist for the Button  Poetry 2018 Chapbook Contest, Lannie’s first published collection, Little Masticated Darlings is now out with Wild Pressed Books. Individual works are published/forthcoming in Entropy, Pidgeonholes, Glass Poetry, Okay Donkey, and more. Lannie currently holds the position of Managing Editor at Barren Magazine and is a member of the MMPR Collective. She is a Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominee.

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  • Bouquet of Fears by Noa Covo

    Bouquet of Fears
    by Noa Covo

    Publication Date: 28 July 2020
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press
    9 Pages

    Genre: Fiction


    This microchapbook bridges between nature and personal fears, creating a story in which the natural world is intricately tied with the emotional. It is composed of three small fiction pieces: Ocean, Bouquet of Fears, and There Used to be a Sea Here. Each piece contains nature, whether it is inside me, beside me, or around me, and explores fear, worry, and insecurity through the lenses of a force far more significant than myself.

    The consistency of nature is the backbone of this microchapbook, but it is not a work of stagnation, but rather one of human development. It is a work of slow, never ending personal growth, constant, and yet always improving, entwined with the tides, the seasonal blooms, and the slow formation of mountains.

    This tiny book contains three fiction pieces and measures approximately 2.125 x 2.75 inches. Each book is handmade and numbered, representing its place in the limited 100-copy run.

    Each copy is uniquely hand-crafted/folded; because of this, some uneven edges do occur. We think it gives them more character!

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    About the Author

    Noa Covo

    Noa Covo is a teenage writer and high school student. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming from Reckoning, a journal of environmental justice, Newfound’s Virtual Realities issue, and Rune Bear. She lives in Tel Aviv, Israel with her parents, two siblings, and a fat cat.


  • Natalie by Keana Aguila Labra

    by Keana Aguila Labra

    Publication Date: 26 May 2020
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press
    12 Pages

    Genre: Poetry

    Natalie is reflection & introspection after sudden loss. While this loss is sudden to the speaker, in reality, the subject, Natalie, has been dead for two years. Grappling with grief & the bitterness of not knowing, Natalie is overall an ode of love dedicated to a young, bright woman taken from the world way before her time.

    A portion of all profits from the sale of this microchapbook will be donated to Trans Lifeline.

    This tiny book contains several poems and measures approximately 2.125 x 2.75 inches. Each book is handmade and numbered, representing its place in the limited 100-copy run.

    Each copy is uniquely hand-crafted/folded; because of this, some uneven edges do occur. We think it gives them more character!

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    About the Author


    Keana Aguila Labra (she/her) is a review writer, poet, essayist, & columnist residing in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of the online literary magazine, Marías at Sampaguitas. She examines literature & media through a feminist lens & cultural awareness. Knowing the importance of representation, her work is evidence that Filipinx Americans are present in the literary world. She may be found reading, watching anime, or writing in her journal. Her favorite genres are thrillers, science fiction, mysteries, & Westerns.


  • A letter from your sheets// if your sheets could speak. by Elizabeth Kemball

    A letter from your sheets// if your sheets could speak.
    by Elizabeth Kemball

    Publication Date: 10 March 2020
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press
    10 Pages

    Genre: Poetry

    This microchapbook explores the idea of giving a voice to the inanimate, through imagining a letter written from a person’s bed sheets. When I started writing this piece, I was looking at writing a poem distanced from the ‘I’ which I find myself writing most often; I wanted to instead write from the perspective of something that does not have a voice of its own. Sheets are witness to a huge portion of humans’ lives: sleep, sorrow, romance, sex, death, and more. By using this voice I delved into a voyeuristic but gentle observation of a place in which humans are often at their most vulnerable.

    Our sheets are primarily places of comfort and solace, but also isolation. I was intrigued by the concept of what people are like when they think nothing is watching – when they are allowed to be their barest self. It may read like a confession or a love letter, and I think to each person it will vary depending on their own relationship with sheets and sleep – one of the few activities all humans partake in. This book is a fragmented narrative, of flashes of actions and images that give us an insight into the person’s life through the moments that they spend in their bed.

    This tiny book contains one full-length poem and measures approximately 2.125 x 2.75 inches. Each book is handmade and numbered, representing its place in the limited 100-copy run.

    Each copy is uniquely hand-crafted/folded; because of this, some uneven edges do occur. We think it gives them more character!

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    Author Statement
    Editor’s Note

    About the Author


    Elizabeth Kemball is an English writer and illustrator whose work has featured in journals including Black Bough, Ink Sweat & Tears, Nightingale & Sparrow, and Iceberg Tales. Her writing often focuses on bodies, myth, and nature. In July 2018 she graduated with a first class degree in English Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Warwick. She is an Editor & Designer for the online literary arts zine Re-Side and is currently being mentored by Mari Ellis Dunning.
