Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Contributors

  • Christina Ciufo

    Christina Ciufo

    Poetry Contributor

    Christina Ciufo is a passionate writer in poetry, short stories, flash fictions, fables, and completing her first novel. At a very young age, she always had a passion for writing stories and poems, specifically in fairytales, folklore, supernatural, and horror.  She has numerously appeared in literary magazines including Spillwords, Ovunque Siamo, Nymphs, Truly Review, Mookychick, Moonchild Magazine, Crêpe & Penn, Cauldron Anthology, dream walking, Selcouth Station Magazine,The Wild Literary Magazine, Speculate This Magazine, Poetically Magazine, Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine, The Clay Literary Magazine, and Re-Side.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Nature’s Symphony


  • Marianne Brems

    Marianne Brems

    Poetry Contributor

    Marianne Brems is a long time writer of trade books, textbooks, and poetry. She has an MA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. Her first poetry chapbook is Sliver of Change (Finishing Line Press, 2020). Her second chapbook Unsung Offerings is forthcoming in 2021. Her poems have appeared in literary journals including The Pangolin Review, Nightingale & Sparrow, The Sunlight Press, and The Tiny Seed Literary Journal. She lives and cycles in Northern California.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Out My Window


  • Hardarshan Singh Valia

    Hardarshan Singh Valia

    Poetry Contributor

    Poems published in Wards Literary Journal, Northwest Indiana Literary Journal, Poetic Medicine, River babble, Who Writes Short Shorts, Dove Tales – Writing for Peace- an anthology, Dreamscapes – an anthology,, Pages Penned in Pandemic – A Collective, Art in the Time of Covid-19 – an anthology, Caesura, Sage-ing, Literary Veganism, Right Hand Pointing Literary Journal, Poetry And Covid, and COVID Tales Journal.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Glove on a Fence

  • Nancy Hathaway

    Nancy Hathaway

    Poetry Contributor

    Writing under her own name, under a pseudonym, and as a ghost, Nancy Hathaway has published more than a dozen books on a variety of topics. Her work, both written and visual, has appeared in 3Elements Literary Review, Paper Tape, Star 82 Review, Alimentum, and elsewhere. She lives in New York City.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Recorder Consort • Night School

  • Susan Barry-Schulz

    Susan Barry-Schulz

    Poetry Contributor

    Susan Barry-Schulz is a licensed Physical Therapist and poet. Her work has appeared in The Wild Word, SWWIM, Shooter Literary Magazine, Barrelhouse online, South Florida Poetry Journal, The New Verse News, Bending Genres, Anti-Heroin Chic, and elsewhere. She grew up outside of Buffalo, New York in a house full of books.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Arrangements Made in a Pandemic


  • Stacie Santillo

    Stacie Santillo

    Photography Contributor

    Stacie Santillo is a writer and photographer living in Pennsylvania. Most days she can be found either floating in her kayak harmonizing with the wildlife or letting her fingers ripple on the keyboard while harmonizing with the stories floating in her mind.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Alone Together

  • Ivanka Fear

    Ivanka Fear

    Poetry Contributor

    Ivanka Fear is a former teacher now pursuing her passion for writing. She lives in midwestern Ontario, Canada, with her family and cats. Her poems and short stories appear in Spadina Literary Review, Montreal Writes, Adelaide Literary, October Hill, Scarlet Leaf Review, The Sirens Call, The Literary Hatchet, Wellington Street Review, Aphelion, Muddy River Poetry Review, and elsewhere. You can read more about her at

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    The poetry of song


  • Susan P. Blevins

    Susan P. Blevins

    Poetry Contributor

    Susan P. Blevins was born in England and has been a happy ex-pat for the last fifty years. She now lives in Houston with her cat and her garden, writing stories and poetry based on her life experiences. She always tries to see the big picture and to embrace all points of view and through her writings hopes to bring people together in the realization that we are all one human family.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow



  • Lisa Romano Licht

    Lisa Romano Licht

    Poetry Contributor

    Lisa Romano Licht’s poetry and essays have appeared in Ovunque Siamo, Mom Egg Review and The Westchester Review, and her prose is forthcoming in the Train River Publishing COVID-19 Anthology. Her poem, “For A Would-Be Actress” was awarded first place in a national Blue Mountain Arts Poetry Competition.  A lifelong New Yorker, she holds an MA in Writing from Manhattanville College.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Street Aria

  • Kirsty Jones

    Kirsty Jones

    Poetry Contributor

    Kirsty Jones is a British writer living in Bristol – the city where Colston finally fell, and Banksy first scrawled on walls.  Inspired by the rebellious nature of her adopted home, Kirsty uses words to rouse and soothe the parts of us that capitalism could never conquer.  Recent work published by Dear Damsels and mishmashfood.  Find her on Instagram @k_jones_writer

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow
