Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Contributors

  • Elizabeth Joy Levinson

    Elizabeth Joy Levinson

    Poetry Contributor

    Elizabeth Joy Levinson lives, teaches, and writes on the southwest side of Chicago.  Recent work has been published in Alluvian, Hawk and Whippoorwill, LandLocked, Slipstream, Whale Road Review, and FEED. Her chapbook, As Wild Animals, is available through Dancing Girl Press and her second chapbook, Running Aground, is available from Finishing Line Press.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    False Narrative


  • Karla Linn Merrifield

    Karla Linn Merrifield

    Poetry Contributor

    Karla Linn Merrifield has 14 books to her credit, including her 2019 Athabaskan Fractal: Poems of the Far North, Cirque Press, and  is currently writing a new poetry book, My Body the Guitar, to be published by Before Your Quiet Eyes Holograph Series in 2021.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Breaking Story

    Because the Moon is Tuned to Open G


  • Naoise Gale

    Naoise Gale

    Poetry Contributor

    Naoise Gale is a twenty-year-old autistic poet who writes about mental health, addiction and eating disorders. She has been published by Cephalo Press, Versification, Anti Heroin Chic, Rabid Oak and Sad Girls’ club. She was also runner up in the Parkinson’s Art Poetry Competition 2020, and commended in the Poetry Space Competition 2020. You can find more of her work @Naoisegale13 on Twitter.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Snowstorm Overdose


  • Maia Joy

    Maia Joy

    Poetry Contributor

    Maia Joy is a queer biracial poet and musician from Boston, MA. A two-time Silver Key recipient from the Massachusetts Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, she is currently studying music and creative writing at the University of Maryland, College Park, where she is a member of the Jimenez-Porter Writers’ House. Some of her work can be found in Star 82 Review and JFA Human Rights Journal, as well as on her social media @maiajoyspeaks, and her website,

    TwitterInstagram | Website

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow



  • Ann Howells

    Ann Howells

    Poetry Contributor

    Ann Howells edited Illya’s Honey for eighteen years. Her books include: Under a Lone Star, Village Books Press, 2016, Cattlemen & Cadillacs as editor, Dallas Poets Community, 2016, So Long As We Speak Their Names, Kelsay Books, 2019, about watermen on Chesapeake Bay, and Painting the Pinwheel Sky, Assure Press, 2020, persona poems of Van Gogh and his contemporaries. Her chapbooks include: Black Crow in Flight, published through Main Street Rag’s 2007 competition and Softly Beating Wings, 2017 William D. Barney Competition winner, Blackbead Books. Ann’s work appears in many small press and university journals.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow


    Easter Break


  • Sarah Leavesley

    Sarah Leavesley

    Photography Contributor

    Sarah Leavesley is a prize-winning photographer, journalist, poet and fiction writer.  She was Resident Artist 2019 for The High Window poetry journal and runs LitWorld2 photo-poem journal, as well as designing covers for V. Press poetry and flash fiction imprint. Her website is at

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    distant light


  • Dane Hamann

    Dane Hamann

    Photography Contributor

    Dane Hamann edits and indexes textbooks for a publisher in Chicago’s southwest suburbs. He received his MFA in Creative Writing from Northwestern University and later served as the poetry editor of TriQuarterly for over five years. He has published a chapbook with Sutra Press and micro-chapbooks with Ghost City Press. His full-length collection, A Thistle Stuck in the Throat of the Sun, is forthcoming from Kelsay Books in 2021.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow





  • Stefanie Kirby

    Stefanie Kirby

    Poetry Contributor

    Stefanie Kirby is a bilingual poet residing just outside of Denver, Colorado. She has studied poetry at Lighthouse Writers Workshop and currently homeschools her daughters. In addition to writing, Stefanie gardens, cooks, and crochets.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    First Snow


  • Kimberly Wolkens

    Kimberly Wolkens

    Fiction, Poetry and Photography Contributor

    Kimberly Wolkens is a Marketing Coordinator by day and an author of dark short stories and poems by night.  She enjoys being a part of the review team for Ginger Nuts of Horror.  Kimberly devotes her spare time to reading and reviewing horror stories, writing, or rustic camping. She is also a huge fan of 90’s grunge and alternative music.  She lives with her husband in rural Michigan. Her works have been published by Nightingale & Sparrow, and she has short stories published in Blood from a Tombstone (1 & 2) and Don’t Open the Door anthologies.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Into the Unknown

    The Popples are Sleeping

    A Mother’s Love

    The Lion-Side of March

  • Jasmine Kuzner

    Jasmine Kuzner

    Creative Nonfiction Contributor

    Jasmine Kuzner is a writer, wife, and mother to two quick-witted kids. Her work explores how humans relate to and remember things like place, people, and the interior patterns of doubt. She lives in Silver Spring, MD, a suburb of Washington, D.C. She holds an MFA from the University of Maryland, College Park.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow
