Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Contributors

  • Claire Marsden

    Claire Marsden

    Claire Marsden


    Whilst chronic pain & disability are Claire’s daily companions, it is through nature & writing that she finds both the meaning & the means with which to make sense of the world. With articles published on such sites as well, she strives to help others navigate the complex realities of life, both with and without chronic illness. As well as creative non-fiction Claire has had both poetry and flash fiction published.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Lesson one

  • Anannya Uberoi

    Anannya Uberoi

    Anannya Uberoi


    Anannya Uberoi (she/her) is a full-time software engineer and part-time tea connoisseur based in Madrid. She has been previously recognized as the winner of Ayaskala Literary Magazine’s National Poetry Writing Month challenge. Her poems and short stories have appeared in Jaggery, LandLocked, Deep Wild Journal, Tipton Poetry Journal, Lapis Lazuli, and Marías at Sampaguitas. Her writing has also featured on The Delhi Walla and The Dewdrop, among other literary blogs.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Lesson Plan

  • Nina Fosati

    Nina Fosati

    Fiction Contributor

    Nina Fosati loves portraiture and historic clothing. Beguiled, she regularly posts her favorites on Twitter @NinaFosati. Recent work has or will soon appear in JMWW Journal, Oye Drum Magazine, Ellipsis Zine, and Disabled Voices Anthology.

    Her website is

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary


  • Hannah Napier Rosenberg

    Hannah Napier Rosenberg

    Hannah Napier Rosenberg


    Hannah Napier Rosenberg resides in Boston, Massachusetts. She loves writing about magic in the ordinary and is wildly interested in seemingly mundane details of daily life. Her poetry has been published in Vita Brevis and Uppagus and is forthcoming in Minor Clash. You can check out some of her other writing online at, find her on Instagram @hannahrowrites, and get in touch via email at

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    The Strength of Women

  • Kevin Densley

    Kevin Densley

    Poetry Contributor

    Kevin Densley is an Australian poet whose work has appeared in Australian, English and American journals. Densley’s upcoming poetry collection, his fourth, Sacredly Profane, will be published by Ginninderra Press (Port Adelaide, South Australia) in late 2020.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Sylvia and the Lorelei

    Cracker Night


  • Alan Parry

    Alan Parry

    Poetry Contributor

    Alan Parry is a poet, playwright and editor from Merseyside, England. He is an English Literature graduate and English teacher. Alan enjoys gritty realism, open ends and 60s girl groups. He has previously had work published by Dream Noir, Streetcake, Black Bough Poems and others. He cites Alan Bennett, Jack Kerouac and James Joyce as inspiration.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Brill-Building Pop


  • Joann Renee Boswell

    Joann Renee Boswell

    Poetry Contributor

    Joann Renee Boswell is a teacher, mother, photographer and poet currently living in Camas, WA with her partner and three children. Joann loves rainy days filled with coffee, books, handholding, moody music and sci-fi shows. Some places she’s been published include Mothers Always Write, For Women Who Roar, The Martian Chronicle and VoiceCatcher. Her first book of poetry, Cosmic Pockets, is expected through Fernwood Press in May 2020.

    Instagram | Facebook

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Ode to Klickitat Cabin


  • Ange Yang

    Ange Yang

    Photography Contributor

    Ange Yang is a writer living in Australia with her dog and colossal student debt. She is interested in works concerning Asian-Australian literature, mental health, and cross-cultural exchange.. She enjoys her dumplings steamed, her noodles spicy and is known to be an aggressive stationery hoarder. You can find her at @imbyelaw on instagram and twitter and at

    [Twitter] | [Instagram]

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Amusement Park Blues


  • Stuart Rawlinson

    Stuart Rawlinson

    Poetry Contributor

    Stuart Rawlinson is a Brisbane-based writer, focused on poetry. He released his first poetry collection in 2015. Encyclopaedia of Trees is a 19-poem collection on a theme of time and memory and each poem accompanies a piece of original music. Stuart’s poems have appeared in various publications, such as Black Bough Poetry, Adelaide Literary Magazine, and Wellington Street Review.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Jogging to Reich


  • Jeffrey H. Maclachlan

    Jeffery H. Maclachlan

    Poetry Contributor

    Jeffrey H. MacLachlan also has recent work in New Ohio Review, the minnesota review, Santa Clara Review, among others. He teaches literature at Georgia College & State University.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Pop Song Crush