Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Contributors

  • Christina Ciufo

    Christina Ciufo

    Poetry Contributor

    Christina Ciufo is a passionate writer in poetry, short stories, flash fictions, fables, and completing her first novel. At a very young age, she always had a passion for writing stories and poems, specifically in fairytales, folklore, supernatural, and horror. She truly enjoys writing about folklore, the supernatural, and horror in various writing genres because she believes by telling stories about witches, vampires, ghosts, werewolves, demons, and other supernatural forces, they evoke a haunting and terrifying imagination that brings joy and fright.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Decrypted Glasgow Churchyard


  • Anca Vlasopolos

    Anca Vlasopolos

    Poetry Contributor

    Anca Vlasopolos published the award-winning novel The New Bedford Samurai; the award-winning memoir No Return Address: A Memoir of Displacement; four collections of poems, Often Fanged Light (Adelaide Books, 2019), Cartographies of Scale (and Wing) (2015); Walking Toward Solstice (2012); and Penguins in a Warming World (2007); three poetry chapbooks, a detective novel, Missing Members, and nearly three hundred poems and short stories in literary journals.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow



  • Jim Hanson

    Jim Hanson

    Poetry Contributor

    Jim Hanson is a retired Senior Researcher at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, where he worked and taught in community development since 1966. He currently resides in the St. Louis area. He has a doctorate degree in sociology and is a lay-ordinate Zen Buddhist. Recent poetry has been published or posted in Dissident Voice, International Journal of Fear Studies, I am not a silent poet, Nebo, New Verse News, Otolith, Poetry24, and Sacred Journey.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Living Ghosts


  • Alenne Nichols

    Alenne Nichols

    Poetry Contributor

    Allene Nichols lives in Dallas, Texas, where she teaches at Richland College and at the University of Texas at Dallas. Her poetry has appeared in many journals and anthologies, including: Veils, Halos, and Shackles and Impossible Archetype. Her poem, “Queer Salt,” was a 2017 winner of OUTSpoken’s creative writing contest.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Vanishing Point


  • Heather Sager

    Heather Sager

    Poetry Contributor

    Heather Sager’s poetry is forthcoming in Umbrella Factory Magazine and CircleShow, and has recently appeared in Hypnopomp, Alba: A Journal of Short Poetry, Mantis, Pennsylvania Literary Journal, and other magazines. Heather also writes short fiction. She grew up in rural Minnesota and lives in Illinois.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    You Are A Raven

  • Gaby Bedetti

    Gaby Bedetti

    Poetry and Photography Contributor

    Gaby Bedetti’s essays, photos, poems, and translations have appeared in New Literary History, Still, Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel,
    Front Porch Review, and Asymptote. Other works are forthcoming in Brooklyn Rail, Ezra, and Rhino. She takes photos as a way to capture the moment fully and to stop time.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow


    Cabin in the Woods, Interlochen, MI

    Floracliff Nature Preserve, Kentucky

    Henry Clay Estate, Lexington, KY

    Impressionism at the Sinkhole

    Leaf Falling in the Woods

    Raven Run, KY

    Sunset over Rich MT, GA

    Turkey Trail, Sewanee, TN


  • Jordan Brown

    Jordan Brown

    Creative nonfiction Contributor

    Jordan Brown received an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, where he currently resides with two cats. He’s been published in Bramble, Inkwell, Wilde Boy, and The Bastard’s Review, which he co-edits. His memoir, Henry Wait, focuses on addiction, dysphoria, and the relief that writing brings.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    To Carry A Stone


  • J.S Watts


    J.S. Watts

    Fiction Contributor

    J.S. Watts is a poet and novelist. Her poetry, short stories and nonfiction appear in publications in Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia and America including: Mslexia and New Myths and have been broadcast on BBC and independent radio. Her published books include: Cats and Other Myths, Songs of Steelyard Sue, Years Ago You Coloured Me and The Submerged Sea (poetry) and A Darker Moon and Witchlight (novels). Her next novel, Old Light, is due out in 2019.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Earth to Earth


  • KB Ballentine

    KB Ballentine

    Poetry Contributor

    KB Ballentine’s sixth collection, The Light Tears Loose, appeared this summer with Blue Light Press. Published in Crab Orchard Review and Haight-Ashbury Literary Journal, among others, her work also appears in anthologies including In Plein Air (2017) and Carrying the Branch: Poets in Search of Peace (2017).

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    All Soul’s Night


  • Elizabeth Spencer Spragins

    Elizabeth Spencer Spragins

    Poetry Contributor

    Elizabeth Spencer Spragins is a poet and writer who taught in community colleges for more than a decade. Her tanka and bardic verse in the Celtic style have been published extensively in Europe, Asia, and North America. She is the author of With No Bridle for the Breeze: Ungrounded Verse published by Shanti Arts and Publishing and The Language of Bones: American Journeys Through Bardic Verse published by Kelsay Books.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    In the Dungeon of Duntulm Castle