Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Contributors

  • Mark A. McCutcheon

    Mark A. McCutcheon

    Poetry Contributor

    Mark A. McCutcheon teaches English literature at Athabasca University. Mark’s poems appear in literary magazines like Grain, On Spec, EVENT, and Kaleidotrope; his debut poetry book, Shape Your Eyes by Shutting Them, is forthcoming from Athabasca U Press in 2019. He has also written a cultural studies book, The Medium Is the Monster (2018), and his literary criticism appears in The Explicator, Continuum, and other scholarly journals.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Only thinking deadly

  • J V Birch

    J V Birch

    Poetry Contributor

    J V Birch lives in Adelaide. Her poems have been published in anthologies, journals and magazines across Australia, the UK, Canada and the US. She has three chapbooks with Ginninderra Press – Smashed glass at midnight, What the water & moon gave me and A bellyful of roses – and a full-length collection, more than here.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow



  • Brielle Epoh

    Brielle Epoh

    Photography Contributor

    Born in the Deep South, it didn’t take the Alabama native long to realize she had an immense passion for photography. Brielle’s style of art displays the raw and gritty experiences of minorities; predominantly those within the African American and LGBTQ+ communities. 


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Idle Thoughts


  • Ginger Dehlinger

    Ginger Dehlinger

    Poetry Contributor

    Ginger Dehlinger writes in multiple genres. Her poetry and short stories have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, and she has won two Pacific Northwest writing competitions with her essays. Most of her work is set in the West including novels, Brute Heart and Never Done. Ginger lives in Bend, Oregon with her husband and a black cat.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Ghost Trees at Midnight


  • Kate Garrett

    Kate Garrett

    Poetry Contributor

    Kate Garrett writes and edits. Her poetry is widely published, has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize, and longlisted for a Saboteur Award. She’s the author of several books, most recently The saint of milk and flames (Rhythm & Bones, 2019) and To Feed My Woodland Bones (Animal Heart Press, 2019). Born in rural southern Ohio, Kate moved to England twenty years ago, where she still lives in Sheffield with her husband, children, and a cat.

    @mskateybelle | @mskateybelle

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Rumours and oracles


  • Clare Chai

    Clare Chai

    Poetry Contributor

    Clare Chai is a writer who lives and breathes Hong Kong, and hopes to write about it in all its contradicting complexity and also about her personal experiences in the city. She has a day job and is only a poet by night, so please excuse her if her work is sometimes a bit dark (though she loves to let the light in too). She is interested in identity, culture and the ephemeral nature of things.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    I’m sorry I’m new at this


  • Larry Blazek

    Larry Blazek

    Poetry Contributor

    Larry Blazek was born in Northern Indiana, but moved to the southern part because the climate is more suited to cycling and the land is cheap. He has been publishing the magazine-format collage Opossum Holler Tarot since 1983 and could use some submissions. He has been published in the The Bat Shat, Vox Poetica, Leveler Poetry, Five Fishes, Front and Mountain Focus Art among many others.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Forever Midnight


  • Diandra Holmes

    Diandra Holmes

    Poetry Contributor

    Diandra Holmes has lived in the Midwest for most of her life. She graduated from Butler University. She lives with her wife and three cats.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow



  • Olivier Schopfer

    Oliver Schopfer

    Photography Contributor

    Olivier Schopfer is a Swiss poet and photographer, born in 1966 in Geneva. He finds inspiration in nature and in his travels around the world. His work regularly appears in anthologies, as well as in numerous online and print journals. He is the author of four
    books: In the Mirror: Concrete Haiku (Scars Publications, 2018), So Many Miles: Fifty Senryu (Alien Buddha Press, 2019), Half in Light, Half in the Shade: Haiku and Senryu (Cyberwit, 2019) and Home After a Long Absence: Haiku, Senryu and Tanka (Cyberwit, 2020).

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow




    Down the Road




  • Shannon Elizabeth Gardner

    Shannon Elizabeth Gardner

    Cover Art – Nevermore

    Shannon Elizabeth Gardner is a graduate from the University of WisconsinStevens Point with a Bachelors in Studio Art and a Minor in Art History. Her interest in horror and the macabre came about while exploring nature and the paranormal. The work explores the natural and organic process of death, evoking empathy for decay. She believes life is beautiful when left to fate and by leaving art to chance, it assists the viewer to witness beauty hidden within imperfections. Her process appreciates nature’s process and discovers the earth’s imperfect beauty. The ethereal mood of her work reaches the extreme and addresses the taboo.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Sick Doctor