Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Contributors

  • Rochelle L. Harris Cox

    Rochelle L. Harris Cox

    Poetry Contributor

    Rochelle L. Harris Cox is from Northwest Georgia where she currently teaches writing and literature at Kennesaw State University. Her essays and poetry have appeared in such journals as symplokē, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Crab Orchard Review, Rappahannock Review, Glass, and Fourth Genre. She lives on a smallish mountain in the foothills of the Appalachians with seven-and-a-half cats, a big garden, and a fledgling vineyard.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    a curse of opera (and love)


  • Lavinia Kumar

    Lavinia Kumar

    Poetry Contributor

    Lavinia Kumar’s books are The Skin and Under (Word Tech, 2015), and The Celtic Fisherman’s Wife: A Druid Life (2017). Chapbooks are Let There be Color (Lives You Touch Publications, 2016), Rivers of Saris (Main Street Rag, 2013), and Beauty. Salon. Art. (Desert Willow Press, 2019). Her poetry has appeared in U.S., Irish, & UK publications.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    After Ireland’s 1916 Rising, in England


  • Samantha Godwin

    Samantha Godwin

    Poetry Contributor

    Samantha Godwin is a graduate of Mercer University and current student at Kennesaw State University’s Masters of Art in Professional Writing program. When not writing, she enjoys teaching students writing techniques.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Driving at Night


  • Jane Dougherty

    Jane Dougherty

    Poetry Contributor

    Jane Dougherty lives and works in rural southwest France. Her home is surrounded by fields and woodland and their discreet populations, and she is unhappy anywhere else. Her poems and stories have been published in magazines and journals including Ogham Stone, Hedgerow Journal, Tuck Magazine, ink sweat and tears, Eye to the Telescope, the Drabble and Ekphrastic Review.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    A blinding


  • Peter Wood

    Peter Wood

    Poetry Contributor

    Peter Wood is a social science researcher most recently based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. His work has been featured in Toasted Cheese Literary Journal, Page & Spine, and Ink & Nebula.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    My descent into meaning


  • Kyla Houbolt

    Kyla Houbolt

    Creative Nonfiction Contributor

    Kyla Houbolt lives and writes in Gastonia, NC. Most of her writing is poetry; you can find some of her recent work in Black Bough Poetry, Juke Joint Magazine, Barren Magazine, and forthcoming in The Hellebore, Neologism Poetry, and Mojave Heart Review, among other places. When she’s not writing you can often find her gazing into the treetops, or wondering who is going to play her in the movie of her life.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Summer Memories

  • Jerry Chiemeke

    Jerry Chiemeke

    Poetry Contributor

    Jerry Chiemeke is an editor, culture critic and lawyer. His works have appeared in Brittlepaper, The Question Marker, The Pangolin Review, The Inlandia Journal and elsewhere. A lover of long walks and alternative music, Jerry lives a secluded life in Lagos, Nigeria. He is the winner of the 2017 Ken Saro Wiwa Prize for Reviews.

    @J_Chiemeke | @J_Chiemeke | I.J.Chiemeke

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    11.52 PM and Pining

  • Jennifer Gauthier

    Jennifer Gauthier

    Poetry Contributor

    Jennifer Gauthier (she/her/hers) is a Professor of Media Studies at Randolph College in Southwestern Virginia. She has poems published (or forthcoming) in Tiny Seed Literary Journal, South 85 and Gyroscope. She is currently at work on a chapbook of poems inspired by women who have been forgotten by official history.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow


  • Elizabeth York Dickinson

    Elizabeth York Dickinson

    Photography Contributor

    Elizabeth York Dickinson received her MFA in writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Her poetry and photography are published or forthcoming in Gravel, Foliate Oak, Kissing Dynamite, Royal Rose, Ghost City Press, Riggwelter and Ink in Thirds, among others. She currently resides in Evanston, Illinois. 


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Evening Fire

  • Julianna May

    Julianna May

    Poetry Contributor

    Julianna May is a teacher, poet, high school softball coach, and a Creative Writing M.A. student at Wilkes University. She is currently unpublished though she hopes to publish a chapbook sometime in 2020. 

    @JuliannaMay1216 | @jewlz926 | @JuliannaMay1216

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    I’ll Forget You