Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Contributors

  • Karen E Fraser

    KF Profile pic

    Karen E Fraser

    Poetry Contributor

    Karen E Fraser is a Melbourne-based writer and poet, with degrees in Professional and Creative Writing, and Anthropology. She has been published by Humana Obscura, Bloodmoon Journal, Freeverse Revolution Lit, Querencia, Wee Sparrow Press, and Poetica Christi Press. Karen has held professional roles as a writer, and editor of Verandah Journal. Her poetry embraces the beauty of the natural world; activism, advocacy and social justice; and the absolute necessity of freedom, love, dignity and belonging.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    The Gravity of Tenderness

  • Kersten Christianson

    Kersten Christianson BW

    Kersten Christianson

    Poetry Contributor

    Alaskan Poet, Moon Gazer, Raven Watcher, Northern Trekker, Teacher. Kersten Christianson derives inspiration from wild, wanderings, and road trips. Kersten is the poetry editor of Alaska Women Speak. She has authored Curating the House of Nostalgia (Sheila-Na-Gig, 2020), What Caught Raven’s Eye (Petroglyph Press, 2018), and Something Yet to Be Named (Kelsay Books, 2017).  Kersten lives with her daughter in Sitka, Alaska and enjoys road trips, bookstores, and smooth ink pens.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    At the Edge of Hope

  • Vikki C.

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    Vikki C.

    Poetry Contributor

    Vikki C., author of ‘The Art of Glass Houses’ (Alien Buddha Press), is a British-born writer, poet and musician from London, whose literary works are informed by existentialism, science, the metaphysical, and human relationships. Her poetry and prose have been published or are forthcoming in Across The Margin, Black Bough Poetry, Acropolis Journal, DarkWinter Literary Magazine, Spare Parts Lit  and others.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Mother, Sister, Daughter, Sakura

  • A. K. Shakour

    A. K. Shakour


    A.K. Shakour has a bachelor’s degree from The University of British Columbia in English literature, with a minor in creative writing. She has work published in Orange Peel Mag, Room Magazine, yolk literary, and others. She lives in Philly with her roommate and a plethora of potted plants that desperately need to be watered.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    the prophecy is pink when i open it

  • Cindy Rinne

    Cindy Rinne

    Visual Art Contributor

    Cindy Rinne is a poet and fiber artist living in San Bernardino, CA. She translates the world into an alternate reality of verbal mosaics. Pushcart Award nominee. Cindy attended a residency at Desert Dairy Artist Residency. She performed “Dancing Through the Fire Door” during the PAMLA conference at UCLA. Her poems appeared in literary journals, anthologies, art exhibits, and dance performances. Author of The Feather Ladder (Picture Show Press),  Words Become Ashes: An Offering (Bamboo Dart Press), Today in the Forest (Moonrise Press), and others. Her poetry appeared in: The Closed Eye Open, Verse-Virtual, Mythos Magazine, and others.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    dear snowy owl
    a dragon’s tears
    amethyst summer

  • Danny Fantom

    Danny Fantom

    Poetry Contributor

    Danny Fantom is a writer with work in Defunct Magazine, Vocal, and can be found on Twitter retweeting pictures of desserts and skylines @ThrillandFear.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Hardened Clarity

  • Emma Atkins

    Emma Atkins

    Poetry Contributor

    Emma Atkins is a Bexhill-based poet fascinated by small and unobtrusive things: the overlooked gems. She started writing poetry in 2018 and has been finding footholds in the creative world ever since. Her poetry has been described as bizarre and thoughtful, with a deep connection to the natural world. 


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Opal Tide

  • Jesse Breite

    Jesse Breite

    Poetry Contributor

    Jesse Breite’s recent poetry has appeared in The Chattahoochee Review, Tar River Poetry, Fourteen Hills, and Rhino. His chapbook is The Knife Collector (FutureCycle, 2013). He is also librettist for Atlanta composer Michael Kurth’s choral scores. Jesse teaches high school in Asheville, North Carolina, where he lives with his wife and two kids. More at


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    The American Style

  • R Hamilton

    R Hamilton

    Poetry Contributor

    R Hamilton (they/them) is returning to poetry as a means of filling the vacuum left after a fifty-year career backstage in the performing arts, a retirement handily but unexpectedly coincident with the pandemic. Since then, Hamilton’s work has been presented by Boats Against the Current, Caesura, the Ekphrastic Review, and Oprelle Publications, among others.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Smoke And Optimysticism

  • Angela Acosta

    Angela Acosta

    Angela Acosta

    Poetry Contributor

    Angela Acosta is a bilingual Latina poet and scholar. She was recently nominated for Best of the Net and her work has appeared in Panochazine, Pluma, Toyon Magazine, and Latinx Audio Lit Mag. Her chapbook “Fourth Generation Chicana Unicorn” will be published by Dancing Girl Press in 2023. She is completing her Ph.D. in Iberian Studies at The Ohio State University where she studies the lives and works of early twentieth century Spanish women writers.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Sky of Your Influence