Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Contributors

  • Renee Lake

    Renee Lake

    Fiction Contributor

    Renee Lake is a writer from Utah. She loves bats and is passionate about women’s reproductive rights. When she’s not taming four crazy kids or working full time she is writing. You can also find her exploring the wilds of Thedas or shopping at the Citadel.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    The Mind is a Crazy Place

  • Kunjana Parashar

    Kunjana Parashar

    Poetry Contributor

    Kunjana Parashar is a poet from Mumbai who holds an MA in English Literature from Mumbai University. Her poetry appears or is forthcoming in The Hellebore, Barren Magazine, The Rumpus (ENOUGH series), Eunoia Review, The Bombay Literary Magazine and elsewhere. 

    @wolfwasp | @holy.squid

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow


  • Sean Riley

    Sean Riley

    Fiction Contributor

    Sean Riley is a writer, musician, and computer programmer who enjoys the sunshine and culture of Southern California. He enjoys spicy food, dark music, and tries to capture some of life in his writing.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Sitting in Ash

  • Elle Danbury

    Elle Danbury

    Photography Contributor

    Elle Danbury has had her photographs published in Barren Magazine, Cauldron Anthology, littledeathlit, Turnpike Magazine, Honey & Lime, Rhythm & Bones Lit, Dark Marrow, and Nightingale & Sparrow. You will be able to see more of her forthcoming work in Riggwelter Press, Ravens In The Attic, 3 Moon Magazine, as well as being a featured artist in Kissing Dynamite Poetry. After leaving city life many years ago, she moved into her own little forest in northern British Columbia Canada, to find out who she was and what her passions were. Starting with photographs of nature, she now seems to have found her niche taking photographs of the world that surrounds her, wherever she goes.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    August EveningPromise

  • Rob McKinnon

    Rob KcKinnon

    Poetry Contributor

    Rob McKinnon lives in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia. His poetry has previously been published in ‘Adelaide: Mapping the Human City’ Ginninderra Press, ‘Messages from the Embers’ Black Quill Press, Backstory Journal (Swinburne University), The Saltbush Review (Adelaide University), Nightingale and Sparrow, Wales Haiku Journal, and other online and print journals.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Milk, Bread, and a Few Essential Groceries
    The Open Door

  • Prithiva Sharma

    Prithiva Sharma

    Poetry Contributor

    Prithiva Sharma is a student from India, juggling boredom and procrastination. Her life is at an interlude, and she writes to make sure she doesn’t go crazy. She wants to feel her words, and she wants her words to make someone else feel.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Manufactured Seasons

  • Kiira Rhosair

    Kiira Rhosair

    Fiction Contributor

    Faber academy alumnus Kiira Rhosair is a GP by day and a YA fantasy writer by night. She writes micro-fiction in her spare time with pieces published by @FlashBackFic, @nationalflashfd, @ellipsiszine, @Funny_PearlsUK She was shortlisted by @TSSPublishing (Spring ‘18) and was a reader for NFFD 2019.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow


  • Jessica Minyard

    Jessica Minyard

    Poetry Contributor

    A writer with one-and-a-half day jobs, Jessica Minyard currently lives in Kentucky with her family. She has an MFA from Lindenwood University and her short fiction and poetry has appeared in Flash Fiction Magazine, Slink Chunk Press, Capulet Magazine, Vamp Cat Magazine, salt + vinegar zine, and is forthcoming from Kaleidotrope. Her poem, “the names they call us”, was most recently anthologized in War Crimes Against the Uterus by Wide Eyes Publishing.

    @callmeshashka | @jessica_minyard

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    a spark to set the world on fire

  • Colette Tennant

    Colette Tennant

    Poetry Contributor

    Colette Tennant has two books of poetry, Commotion of Wings, 2010, and Eden and After, 2015. Her poems have appeared in various journals including Prairie Schooner, Rattle, Southern Poetry Review, and others. Her most recent book, Religion in The Handmaid’s Tale, a Brief Guide will be published this September to coincide with Atwood’s release of the sequel to the original novel.

    15Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    First Date Not Counting Lester Duncan

  • Catherine A. Coundjeris

    Catherine A. Coundjeris

    Poetry Contributor

    A former elementary school teacher, Catherine has also taught writing at Emerson College and ESL writing at Urban College in Boston. She is published in Peeking Cat Literary Magazine, Crossways Online Journal, Mused Bella Online Journal Metfore Magazine, Scarlet Leaf Review, 34th Parallel Magazine, Borrowed Solace, Ariel Chart, and New Readers Magazine. Currently she is living with her family in Frederick and she is working on a YA novel. Catherine volunteers as an ESL Coordinator with the Literacy Council of Frederick County and she is very passionate about adult literacy.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Enjoying Emerald Isle