Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Contributors

  • Ellora Sutton

    Ellora Sutton

    Poetry Contributor

    Ellora Sutton, 22, is a museum gift shop worker from rural Hampshire, UK. She has a degree in Journalism and Creative Writing, and her work has been published by Paper Fox Lit Mag, The Cardiff Review, Eye Flash Poetry Journal, and Lemon Star Mag, among others. She was commended in the 2018 Winchester Poetry Prize. Follow her on Twitter @ellora_sutton

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Shakespeare in Camden

  • alyssa hanna

    alyssa hanna

    Poetry Contributor

    alyssa hanna’s poems have appeared in Reed Magazine, The Mid-American Review, The Naugatuck River Review, Rust + Moth, Pidgeonholes, and others. She was nominated for a Pushcart Prize, a finalist in the 2017 James Wright Poetry Competition, and a semi-finalist for The Hellebore scholarship. alyssa is a Contributing Editor at Barren Magazine, a copywriter for Safavieh, and lives in Westchester with her four weird lizards. follow her @alyssawaking on twitter, instagram, ko-fi, tumblr, and patreon.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    she tells me to imagine a place of peace

  • Kevin Kissane

    Kevin Kissane

    Poetry Contributor

    Kevin Kissane is a Connecticut native writer, and recent graduate of the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham, England. His experience as a writer spans a period as editor for Paperfox Literary Magazine, and as a contributor to Gay Times. Some of his publications include The Ginger Collect, Quail Bell Magazine, and Jetenous Magazine. He writes because he must always get the last word.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Where the Thunder Goes

  • Cheryl Heineman

    Cheryl Heineman

    Poetry Contributor

    Cheryl Heineman graduated in 2017 with a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from San Diego State University. She also has a master’s degree in Jungian Psychology and has published three collections of poetry: Just Getting Started, something to hold onto, and It’s Easy to Kiss a Stranger on a Moving Train.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Future Comings

  • Nikkin Rader

    Nikkin Rader

    Poetry Contributor

    Nikkin Rader has degrees in poetry, gender & sexuality studies, anthropology, philosophy, and other humanities and social science.  Her works appear in lipstickparty magazine, Awkward Mermaid, the Mystic Blue Review, the Cauldron Anthology, and elsewhere.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    an ocean of sound and she

  • Susan E. Gunter

    Susan E. Gunter

    Poetry Contributor

    Susan E. Gunter has published in journals here and abroad, including Atlanta Review, Louisville Review, Poet Lore, Semaphore, Linden Ave, Burning House Press, Yemmassee, Ellipsis, and a number of others. She has also published three books on Henry James and the James family. She volunteers at the Marin Poetry Center and writes poetry because she must.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Humanist Heresy

  • Paul Bluestein

    Paul Bluestein

    Poetry Contributor

    Paul Bluestein is a physician (done practicing), a blues musician (still practicing) and a dedicated Scrabble player (yes, ZAX is a word). He lives in Connecticut with his wife and the two dogs who rescued him. When the Poetry Muse calls, he answers, even if it’s during dinner.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow


  • Sasha Carney

    Sasha Carney

    Poetry Contributor

    Sasha Carney is a Canadian poet studying English and Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies at Yale University. They are a twice-winner of the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award, and perform regularly with Voke, and LGBTQ-centred spoken word group. Their work has been published by The Poetry Society and The Yale Herald. In their spare time, they enjoy knitting and overanalyzing sitcoms.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Aw Shucks

  • Bayveen O’Connell

    Bayveen O’Connell

    Fiction Contributor

    Bayveen O’Connell loves strange, dark, Gothic things and is inspired by history, travel and myth. She lives in Dublin and is a teacher. Her flash, poems and CNF have appeared in Former Cactus, Three Drops from a Cauldron, Molotov Cocktail, The Cabinet of Heed, Retreat West, Selene Quarterly, Scum Lit Mag, Underground Writers, The Bohemyth and others.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Rusalka Awakened

  • Seth Jani


    Seth Jani

    Poetry Contributor

    Seth Jani currently resides in Seattle, WA and is the founder of Seven Circle Press ( His work has been published widely in places such as The American Poetry Journal, Abyss & Apex, The Chiron Review, The Comstock Review and Oracle Fine Arts Review. His full-length collection, Night Fable, was published by FutureCycle Press in 2018. More about him and his work can be found at   

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow
