Parker Cassel
Photography Contributor
Parker Cassel is a writer, performer and visual artist from London, U.K.
Works in Nightingale & Sparrow
Photography Contributor
Parker Cassel is a writer, performer and visual artist from London, U.K.
Poetry Contributor
Rebecca Lilly earned degrees from Cornell (M.F.A., poetry) and Princeton (Ph.D., philosophy) Universities and works as a writer and photographer. Among her several collections of poems, her most recent is Creatures Among Us (Broadstone, 2019), a book of prose poetry. An earlier collection, You Want to Sell Me a Small Antique (Gibbs Smith), won the Peregrine Smith Poetry Prize, and several books of her short poetry and haiku appear from Red Moon Press. Journals publishing her poems include Conjunctions, Hotel Amerika, The Iowa Review, London Magazine, New American Writing, Rosebud and Stand.
Her website is
Poetry Contributor
Eva Lynch-Comer holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from Hamilton College, where she received the John V. A. Weaver Prize in Poetry and the Sydna Stern Weiss Essay Prize in Women’s Studies. Her poetry has most recently appeared in Capsule Stories, Peach Velvet Magazine, and Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine.
Poetry Contributor
Shay Siegel is from Long Island, New York. She graduated from Tulane University with a B.A. in English, where she was also a member of the women’s tennis team. She went on to earn an MFA in Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. She loves the ocean, nineties grunge, soy lattes, and pit bulls.
Creative Non-fiction Contributor
Ceri Morgan is Professor of Place-writing and Geohumanities at Keele University. A member of the Montreal research group, la Traversée, Ceri works on geopoetics as a participatory practice, leading workshops or ‘happenings’ on a variety of themes, including food, persistent pain, and deindustrialisation. She has published fiction, CNF, and poetry in Littoral (2017), GeoHumanities (2019), and NAWE Writing in Education (2020, 2021). Her prose-poem, ‘Avenue Bernard’ was broadcast on RTE Radio 1 in 2020.
Poetry Contributor
Victoria Punch is a voice coach and musician writing from home in Devon between the moors and the sea. She is curious about voice and identity, the limits of language and how we perceive things: her poetry comes from these explorations. Publications include: the6ress, Free Verse Revolution, and The Mum Poem Press (guest ed. Liz Berry). Forthcoming in Sledgehammer Lit.
Photography Contributor
Foy Timms is a writer/poet/photographer based in Oxfordshire, U.K. She is published in Abridged, Dust Poetry, Fevers of the Mind, Green Ink Poetry, Peeking Cat Poetry, Pulp Poets Press, Sage Cigarettes, Selcouth Station Press and Twist In Time, amongst others. Foy Timms is also a Fundraiser working in the Charity Sector.
Poetry Contributor
Ellen lives in Suffolk, England with her husband and three young children. She is an avid reader and enjoys writing poetry in any spare time she can find. Ellen’s writing often focuses on her experience of motherhood and she began sharing it on social media during the lockdown in early 2021. Her poetry can be found on Instagram @ellen_writes_poems.
Poetry Contributor
Madalena Daleziou is a Greek writer, researcher and content creator, living in Glasgow where she studied an MLitt in fantasy Literature. Her work has previously appeared in Lucent Dreaming, From Glasgow to Saturn and other venues. Madalena is currently finishing up her neo-Victorian fantasy novel. She can most often be found in a bookshop or behind a keyboard, writing stories with too many ghosts.
Poetry Contributor
Indira (she/they) is a proud queer, immigrant, woman of colour who enjoys writing, reading and taking on more work than they can handle. She writes poetry to help process and document moments of growth, pain, joy and confusion, and occasionally they show it to people.