Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: flight (Issue No. I)

  • Babybird


    A response to the recent plagiarism controversy re: Ailey O’Toole and Rachel McKibbens

    Lannie Stabile

    It is slow sludge struggling
    through a paper windpipe.
    I, myself, am choked,
    clogged like a               dead
    sewer city. My talent is so
    shriveled, so flightless, I can’t
    even vomit without vomiting.

    A bird                unspun the
    snakes within, feigning veins,
    that once fed on my inertia,
    occupied space in my throat.

    She knew her song like it had
    perched on her chest for too
    many winters. A stout gremlin
    tinkering with her lungs
    instead of a plane. And when
    she coughed up              blud,
    I siphoned it from her lips.

    Lannie Stabile

  • Wingless


    Charlotte Hamrick

    After the storm we waited
    for the return of the birds.
    The air around the house
    was silent
    and devoid of flutterings,
    a vacuum of tweets and
    whistles. What straggling
    flowers were left went
    hummingbirdless while
    twigs and string were
    twigs and string
    with no hope of sheltering
    featherless offspring.

    It was strangely quiet,
    as though they were all
    sucked into a void
    somewhere and became
    dinosaurs again in
    another dimension.
    They were a wondrous
    memory for a time until
    slowly winging their way
    back home.

    Charlotte Hamrick

  • flight – micropoems

    In the leadup to our inaugural issue, flight, we shared a series of micropoems from some talented submitters: