Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: heat (Issue No. III)

  • Lynne Schmidt

    Lynne Schmidt

    Poetry and Creative Nonfiction Contributor, Author

    Lynne Schmidt (she/her) is a mental health professional in Maine who writes poetry, memoir, and young adult. In addition to being a Maine Nonfiction Award Winner and PNWA finalist, her poetry has received the Honorable Mention from Joy of the Pen, and her chapbook Dead Dog Poems was an honorable mention from Pub House books. Her work has appeared in Soft Cartel, RESIST/RECLAIM (forthcoming), Neon Mariposa (forthcoming), Pussy Magic (forthcoming), Royal Rose, Sixty Four Best Poets of 2018 (forthcoming), 2018 Emerging Poets, Frost Meadow Review, Poets of Maine, Poets of New England, Maine Dog Magazine, Alyss Literary, UNE Magazine, Her Kind Vida, and many others. She is a former journalist and is the founder of AbortionChat and her social justice activism has allowed her to meet Michelle Obama and Cecile Richards. She has been and continues to be a featured poet at events throughout Maine. Lynne is a member of PNWA, NEPC, and SEWSA. She prefers the company of her three dogs and one cat to humans.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Casualties, Remember to Drink Water

    Lynne Schmidt is the author of Gravity (Nightingale & Sparrow Press, 2019)

  • Zoe Philippou

    Zoe Philippou

    Photography Contributor

    Zoe is a writer and photographer who dabbles in whatever she thinks can be used to bring people joy or provide an escape for a few moments.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Perspective from the PillboxIntangible Matter, Reach, Together, A Dragon in our Midst, Daytime Reflections, Devil’s Den No More, Running from Day, Witching Hour, A Vague Memory, Speed of Light, EmbersNecessary DestructionHeart of the Fire