Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Staff Series

  • Pandora by Mollie Williamson

    by Mollie Williamson

    Publication Date: 20 April 2021
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press

    Genre: Fiction

    Pandora explores the background and reasoning for Pandora’s infamous action of opening the dreaded box of fears. History has not looked kindly at this woman and the hope of my story is to give her a voice, a sense of humanity. Women are often blamed for all the faults in the world, but they are hardly blamed for being ambitious and that’s exactly what I wanted to give Pandora.

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    About the Author


    Mollie Williamson attended Saint Mary’s College of California double majoring in Art History and Women’s Studies in 2013. She then received her master’s in Women’s Studies from the University of Alabama in 2014. She has since moved back to California where she lives with her husband and their dog. Mollie enjoys writing stories based on fairy tales and mythology. Her work has been featured in The Pinkley Press, Toho Journal, Nightingale & Sparrow, and White Wall Review.

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  • Heal My Way Home by Rachel Tanner

    Heal My Way Home
    by Rachel Tanner

    Publication Date: 27 October 2020
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press

    Genre: Poetry


    Heal My Way Home explores mental health issues and physical health issues in the context of everyday life. The topics (ranging from buying jewelry to letting cats be in a wedding party) weave in and out of broader themes of illness and healing, just as life continues in and around chronic illness.

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    Previously Published Pieces:

    Take a sneak peek at some of the poems included in this chapbook: 

    About the Author


    Rachel Tanner’s work has recently appeared in Barren Magazine, Moonchild Magazine, Porridge Mag, and elsewhere. She lives in Alabama with her two cats, Samson and Cady. Writing bios makes her nervous.

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  • A Daughter for Mr. Spider by Megan Russo

    A Daughter for Mr. Spider
    by Megan Russo

    Publication Date: 14 April 2020
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press

    Genre: Mixed Media

    A Daughter for Mr. Spider is a cross-section of the author’s family tree exploring the grief the author has felt since the passing of her grandfather. The prose, poetry, and collage images weave together the fairy tale-like narrative of the years she was raised by her grandfather, alongside the author’s perceived feeling of growing up as an outsider.  

    This collection is a call to finding happiness with those who understand you and shedding the negativity we choose to shroud ourselves in as we navigate the differences in the people around us.

    A Daughter for Mr. Spider is a story of loss which, in the end, believes that healing is a process we must create for ourselves using the memories of those who leave us as a way to celebrate life.

    Print | Kindle | Digital PDF

    About the Author


    Megan is a writer and graphic designer living in Austin, TX. Her work has been published by Palm Sized Press, Cauldron Anthology, Royal Rose Magazine, Wellington Street Review, among others. When she’s not playing tabletop games or spreading the gospel of her devotion to pastel color schemes, she enjoys seeing live shows around the city and spending time with her husband and their two pugs.

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  • Gravity by Lynne Schmidt

    by Lynne Schmidt

    Publication Date: 8 October 2019
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press

    Genre: Poetry

    Cover art by Reid Maxim



    Gravity is a collection of poems that explores the rise and fall of an intense relationship. The kind where the other person is the Gravity keeping you anchored to the planet and you worry that without them, you may float off into space.

    And then it is finding the strength to realize the relationship is not what you want, after all. It is several years, several breakups, several attempts to turn yourself inside out only to find maybe this isn’t the person you’ve been waiting for your entire life, and that you are the only person who can heal you.

    Print Copy: $9.99

    Kindle Copy: $3.99

    Digital PDF Copy: $2.99

    Praise for Gravity

    “Gravity is full of hearts, all of the hearts. Hearts of every kind: tender, open, injured– any form that you could imagine. Lynne Schmidt delivers a universe where planets are colliding.”  — Cavin Bryce Gonzalez, founder of Back Patio Press

    Gravity is not just sweet poems about plastic galaxies. It is a cohesive collection recalling grief, anger, resentment, and love. Beware, there are lines in this book that will detonate you like a supernova. — Lannie Stabile, Managing Editor of Barren Magazine

    Author Statement


    Author Interview

    Review by Daniel Warner

    Previously Published Pieces:

    Take a sneak peek at some of the poems included in this chapbook: 

    About the Author


    Lynne Schmidt is a mental health professional in Maine who writes memoir, poetry, and young adult fiction. Her unpublished memoir, The Right to Live: A Memoir of Abortion received the 2018 Maine Nonfiction Award and was a 2018 PNWA finalist, while her poetry received the Editor’s Choice Award for her poem, Baxter, from Frost Meadow Review and was a 2019 PNWA finalist. She is a five-time Best of the Net 2019 nominee and the founder of AbortionChat, where she does presentations on the intersections of mental health, writing, and reproductive justice. When given the option, she prefers the company of her three dogs and one cat to humans.


  • Micro: a microchapbook of micropoems by Juliette Sebock

    Micro: a mirochapbook of micropoems
    by Juliette Sebock

    Publication Date: 24 June 2019
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press
    10 Pages

    Genre: Poetry



    “I have to say ‘I love you’ / in a poem . . . ”

    Micro is a microchapbook of micropoems by Nightingale & Sparrow editor Juliette Sebock. This tiny book contains 10 short poems and measures approximately 2.125 x 2.75 inches. Each book is handmade and numbered, representing its place in the limited 100-copy run.

    Each copy is uniquely hand-crafted/folded; because of this, some uneven edges do occur. We think it gives them more character!

    Purchase Your Copy

    Praise for Micro

    Juliette Sebock’s microchap, Micro: a Microchapbook of Micropoems, is a down and dirty reminder that once you say those words, and once you commit to someone, and once it goes awry, you can rediscover yourself within the all the damage.   -Christopher Margolin, The Poetry Question

    About the Author


    Juliette Sebock is the author of Mistakes Were Made and Micro and has work forthcoming or appearing in a wide variety of publications. She is the founding editor of Nightingale & Sparrow, runs a lifestyle blog, For the Sake of Good Taste, and is a regular contributor with Marías at Sampaguitas and Royal Rose. Currently, she is curating the Screaming from the Silence anthology and working on a variety of personal and freelance projects. When she isn’t writing (and sometimes when she is), she can be found with a cup of coffee and her cat, Fitz. Juliette can be reached on her website or across social media @juliettesebock.

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