Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Poetry

  • At night

    At night

    Julia M. C. M.

    Trigger Warning: Grief, Suicide

    I don’t know the night as well as I would like
    But I spend all my time, staring at the sky,
    And the Stars, and wondering if I’ll see wings or scars
    Shoot in front of the Moon, to keep me company
    On lonely walks, empty thoughts, memories lost,
    And all the other wounds that bleed and burn
    At night, or when the sun is high in the sky,
    While I try to find reasons why,
    Not to take my own life,
    To finally close my eyes,
    Only to open them,
    And see you again.


    Julia M. C. M.

  • The Chronic Void

    The Chronic Void

    Kate Gough

    Trigger Warning: chronic illness and hospitalization

    Poppy pills and hospital bills,
    The void, she costs more than I thought.
    As I cut off the paper bracelet,
    I wonder when the prickly tenderness
    will paint its pain on my organs once more.

    And the others, they try to help, in their own narrow ways.
    Cathedral thunder and chicken noodle soup,
    they threaten and soothe in the same breath.

    Alone, I am, as they forget soon enough.
    Chronic, I am stuck inside, as the world breathes,
    through coughing fits, I try to get some sleep.

    And in my dreams the void, she sings to me.
    She tells me how the world sees me.
    Helpless, poor little thing, barely lives,
    they gasp.
    But she, she cannot judge.
    She can only prance through darkness
    to cloak the ever toxic positivity.

    The void, she carries me evermore,
    as I live my life in sick captivity.

    I live in reality, denial cobwebs the streets,
    and in them I sneeze.
    Alone, I am, but the void is home to me.


    Kate Gough

  • How to Run Away

    How to Run Away

    Jesica Davis

    How to Run Away by Jesica Davis


    Jesica Davis

  • Beginnings


    Lynn White

    I know that tomorrow will bring
    a new beginning,
    another new beginning
    and I wonder,
    when will I reach the end
    of my beginnings.
    The beginning and end
    in harmony,
    the end beginning
    when everything is completed
    and nothing left to be started.
    This time will come.
    It’s getting closer,
    closer and closer.
    Perhaps it has already come
    and I haven’t noticed.
    But I don’t think so.
    So I will carry on
    towards my new beginning
    and cease to wonder
    how it will end.


    Lynn White



    Rebecca Lilly

    I trust life to finish the job somehow, sparing me histories in the netherworld (which I once thought would lift me out, but only confirmed my appointment with the devil). I’m always on the lookout for omens, lessons I can’t ignore, and dark coincidences. If deception’s the norm, it’s a guess if I’ve booked that appointment. While I’d rather not venture into netherworlds, I can’t simply disregard the problem of dark. Come hell or high water, I’m slated to write up this report for my memoirs (a foreword with cavernous tunnels, and sweatshops with chains and machetes, before the real horror starts!). I’ve a penchant to personify too much, but the devil’s not a person, and superstition is the enemy of attention no less than my ongoing dream of eating snowflakes off the street, desperately, to keep from overheating! If enough snowflakes go down my throat, my mouth mumbles out the cold eventually, the devil’s like the Wizard of Oz, just a hoax. If only what mindfulness teachers call the clear light mind took almost no effort! Unfortunately, a lie is insidious. The soul isn’t complicated, say the mystics. It’s just so close we never see it.


    Rebecca Lilly

  • Ellen Clayton

    Ellen Clayton

    Poetry Contributor

    Ellen lives in Suffolk, England with her husband and three young children. She is an avid reader and enjoys writing poetry in any spare time she can find. Ellen’s writing often focuses on her experience of motherhood and she began sharing it on social media during the lockdown in early 2021. Her poetry can be found on Instagram @ellen_writes_poems.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow



  • Putting in the Garden

    Putting in the Garden

    Jody Burke-Kaiser

    I am playing at Persephone,
    visiting my mother on her knees
    planting French marigolds.
    Little reeking suns
    to keep pestilence from the garden.
    Here the rows are straight and measured
    six to eight inches between plants.
    Taught string trellises waiting for the vine.
    Blooms open and fruit
    in the troweled holes
    she has made for them.
    Onion sets stay
    where she has set them.
    I am only visiting,
    but she presses mint leaves to my lips,
    seed corn into my hands,
    loans me her muddy shoes
    and tells me, pointing
    to the back of the seed packet
    exactly how deep
    into the earth
    this conversation can go.

    Jody Burke-Kaiser

  • Bloom


    Indira Fernando

    Illnesses flowered in my abdomen,
    So I grew around it,
    Vines stretching over cracking trellises,
    Curling to accommodate nails and pill bottles,
    My leaves spelt out each prescription,
    And my flowers wilted at each doubtful question,
    I stretched so my growth was as chronic as my pain,
    And slowly I begin to overtake it,
    My branches become thicker than my patient notes,
    And my fruits more abundant than the rot,
    All at once and over an era,
    I begin to bloom.

    Indira Fernando

  • Steady Love

    Steady Love

    Resolute Lee

    I did not fall
    at first sight,
    my love grows
    as the Hyperion grows.
    A quiet rising
    from deep depths
    of dark shaded soil,
    slowly inching skywards
    towards itinerant clouds.
    Nurturing throughout
    turning seasons and
    beneath all skies. Silently
    under midnight moons,
    unapologetic in driving rains,
    softly amid snowfall,
    passionate at Sun’s
    rising and setting.
    My love rises
    akin to nature,
    slow in pace,
    conscious in thought,
    meditative touch
    of unhurried time.
    A love deeply rooted,
    risen to the Heavens-
    the quiet growth
    of a steady love.

    Resolute Lee