Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Poetry

  • Kourtina


    Zebib K. A.

    Their stage is wrapped in a shadowy cape,
    red velvet.
    It’s electrified with anticipation;
    it quivers, twist and turns,
    sweeps apart towards the sky.

    There are moments when the gods’ cloth parts,
    when the scene of all scenes
    bursts out in a blow.
    Blow song,
    toot pipes.

    The melody leaps and
    tugs at the retreat.
    A sound which holds all mystery,
    chants, arias, crescendos, and decrescendos.
    The audience perks up their ears
    and leans in.

    The child’s heart is spun.
    What haven is this sound
    for the last vestiges of magic?
    The ear tricks us,
    the rising lights trick us.

    On a screen, the long-dead actors play their part.
    Play our own music!
    Behind their wide eyes and open mouths.

    Zebib K. A.

  • What’s Left in the Cooler

    What’s Left in the Cooler

    Richard LeDue

    The radio plays over the speakers
    sometimes at the local supermarket.
    Music narrating our frozen green beans,
    canned tuna, 100% whole wheat bread,
    as if a song can make us forget
    too many crave nutrients, more than love.
    The way some of us clog up the aisle
    reminds me of a hunger,
    but not for a lover’s lips;
    that is left to movie stars,
    who probably pay someone else
    to buy their groceries.
    Then there’s the poets, who make
    their lists into poems about what’s left
    in the cooler next to the ice cream
    and how there was already silence
    long before anyone turned off the radio.

    Richard LeDue

  • You Make Me Bloom

    You Make Me Bloom

    Erich von Hungen

    As you pass, my branches reach.
    I throw apples round your feet.

    You make me bloom
    and sweeten into them —
    into them and more.
    Stop, stop and eat.

    I see you,
    and I scatter oranges out of season,
    scented swags every day.

    My fingers turn to figs,
    when you approach softly singing —
    to berries,
    to pomegranates.

    For you,
    I am a garden.
    Stop and pick.
    Take my shade, at least that.

    Cut your name across my skin.
    Climb my branches.
    Feel the wind.
    Hear it rhythm with my twigs.

    Let me feed you.
    Stay, stay, remain
    within the canopy
    of my arms, my shoulders
    and make me flourish, flower, bloom.
    Make me blossom
    more and more.

    Erich von Hungen

  • Stirring


    Kim Ann

    her memories are vivid –
    him taking her hand ever so gently
    the wind gently blowing her hair
    the glass of sun tea she dropped when he dropped to his knees
    the lemon wedge lying in a puddle of ice cubes on the sidewalk
    a sparkling diamond glistening from a velvet box
    her eyes filling with tears
    the background noise of a train passing by
    her hands shaking in anticipation
    joy overwhelming her senses
    the smile on his face
    that smile
    that gorgeous smile
    and then –
    his arms around her
    the smell of his cologne
    his tender look as he gazed at her
    and a kiss –
    a loving kiss that meant
    forever –
    her memories are vivid

    Kim Ann

  • Autumnal Aches

    Autumnal Aches

    Emma Sims

    Waltzing through mud,
    Leaves dropped on the path;
    Using aged language,
    Like wouldst, thou, and hath.
    Raging onwards within,
    My own carnal desire;
    Wouldst that I could,
    Stoke your internal fire;
    And ravish your lips,
    In ways I don’t know how;
    For a maiden you are,
    And none fairer than thou.
    As we kiss ‘neath the trees,
    Themselves half undressed;
    I think what we hath,
    With our bodies compressed,
    Are autumnal aches,
    In remnants of rain;
    And I think to myself,
    I must see you again.

    Emma Sims

  • Patch


    Rickey Rivers Jr.

    The way the stones in the bricks glitter, it is like the twinkle in your eye.

    The eye patch doesn’t distort beauty. It adds to the mystery inside.

    You are not some monstrosity. I do not repulse.

    I welcome all of you, every bit of your history.

    You are not a beast.

    My wrapping arms will show you.

    In turn, will yours the same to me?

    You understand not needing all the words to know what I mean,

    likewise the order’s formality.

    Together I’d love with you to be.

    Rickey Rivers Jr.

  • Because the Moon Is Tuned to Open G

    Because the Moon Is Tuned to Open G

    Karla Linn Merrifield

    Moony thoughts
    gal she’s dreaming
    moony thoughts
    about me I gots
    smilebeams on me

    I gots me a moony gal
    moony over me
    drift boat-grin gal
    crescenting for me
    from her moony orb

    my moony gal sure
    to soon be full
    for me a night aglow
    to hold her globe
    in orbit moony-embrace

    when my moony-loony gal’s
    gone completely new—shine
    upon me gone in penumbra—
    new moony gal I tell you
    tell you tell you my Earth’s stories

    moony gal mine listen up

    Karla Linn Merrifield

  • Green Shoes

    Green Shoes

    Katelyn Darrow

    My heart is still buried in your closet
    under your shoes.
    Inside the old green pair, the ones you wore in Italy.
    When it rained in Milan and we skipped on cobblestone.

    Do you still wear those sneakers?
    I hope you do
    Because my love for you remains woven in the fabric,
    intertwined between the laces.

    I haven’t seen your face
    Or said your name in two months.
    But I hope you still remember me with every step
    like a pebble trapped under your foot.

    Katelyn Darrow

  • Aubade


    Jo Angela Edwins

    You were last night a dream
    sitting on the edge of this tousled bed,
    your arm reaching backwards to touch
    my cheek as I slept and did not sleep,
    as happens in dreams. Moonlight glinted
    off your silvered shoulders. My body’s
    wild circuitry hummed. Perhaps you were afraid
    you had wakened me. You stood, a bulky
    shadow soft-footing from the room.

    This morning I heard a screen door slap
    somewhere. I started. You were nowhere
    to be found in this house, this quiet house
    in which your dream figure alone has stepped,
    spoken, shuddered, stretched out in darkness
    beside me.

    Jo Angela Edwins

  • Side by Each

    Side by Each

    Edward Higgins

    “But at my back I always hear/ Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near. . . . “
    –from Andrew Marvell’s To His Coy Mistress

    When departed from one another,
    only remembered kisses to sustain us,

    laughter at missing one another
    even a short few days—

    knowing the return sweeter for the absence:
    doves returned to the dovecote,

    cooing in our love-nest.
    Will we love each other forever

    as in those endless love songs?
    Not considering mortality’s swift

    undercutting of all love’s declarations?
    Yet we embrace what forevers

    we have. So let us as in Marvell’s coy
    poem: though we cannot make

    our sun/Stand still, yet we will make him run.

    Edward Higgins