Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Poetry

  • The Pottery Firing at Mata Ortiz: Mexico

    The Pottery Firing at Mata Ortiz: Mexico

    Janice S. Fuller

    The wind raged across the potter’s yard.
    I watched Olivia gather sawdust for the black pot’s bed.
    It settled gently on the nest.
    An onyx bridge joined two parts of her pot.

    I watched Olivia gather sawdust for the black pot’s bed.
    Anticipation burned in travelers at the site.
    An onyx bridge joined two parts of her pot,
    the twins were etched with matching birthmarks.

    Anticipation burned in travelers at the site.
    The wind was steady from the west.
    The twins were etched with matching birthmarks.
    Cottonwood piled high around the sacrificial mound.

    The wind was steady from the west.
    A pyre lit with diesel.
    Cottonwood piled high around the sacrificial mound.
    At first the fire resisted.

    A pyre lit with diesel.
    Flames lashed out like dragon’s breath.
    At first the fire resisted.
    The pot cured, came to life, a beauty born in heat.

    Flames lashed out like dragon’s breath.
    The fire died.
    The pot cured, came to life, a beauty born in heat.
    The wind raged across the potter’s yard.

    Janice S. Fuller

  • coolness


    Constance Schultz

    heat she said I’m hot

    & everyone needs to just cool
    down in a lake

    on volcanic rock cooled into a smooth

    chair in all that soft sand they need to cool

    their cores no shoes/get away/dunk
    your hair/pause cool

    look at all the cooled blues/
    the hues the skies same

    as on the other side
    cooling & for good-

    ness sake don’t look
    at your cool cool cool phone & when

    you come out everyone/will still be cool

    as hot as it was look
    out for sand

    hornets & cactus hiding
    in disreputable places

    aware you are cool in just a swimsuit &
    can burn aware of cool/it is likely

    & cool you are/so cool &

    still sweat drips/all the people cool every one
    glows cooly but now you can just close
    your eyes & feel cool water of the lake
    see the sky watch out for cactus uncool & think

    how nice the a/c feels as you walk through

    Constance Schultz

  • Playing with fire

    Playing with fire

    Martina Rimbaldo

    It’s me again
    Coming out to play
    My favorite game
    And i always win
    It’s the evil side
    You did not know
    You have hidden deep inside
    All along
    I’m here to play with fire
    Approaching the fireplace
    Placed inside your soul
    To reveal your secrets to the world
    I want to make you look bad
    So bad
    Playing with fire
    Gets you nowhere
    It can’t kill the desire
    To go higher
    When you are falling prey
    You can’t pray it all away

    I’m crawling out again
    Grabbing the last good grain that sprouts in you
    I’m awakened to stay here
    For good

    I’m here to play with fire
    Approaching the fireplace
    Placed inside your soul
    To reveal your secrets to the world
    I want to make you look bad
    So bad
    Playing with fire
    Gets you nowhere
    It can’t kill the desire
    To go higher
    When you are falling prey
    You can’t pray it all away

    Martina Rimbaldo

  • A Break from Mowing

    A Break from Mowing

    Lannie Stabile

    august is always there, hot mouth on vitreous body
    & when its swollen death draws closer,
    what’s a boy to do with sweaty, augmenting limbs? He

    rides his bike to the local convenience store
    on ol’ Lee Road. It is there his quarters find 10
    ounces of air conditioning contained in syrup. It is
    there he savors every sweet sip from the

    bottle, just as his father taught him to do as an
    empty child. Drops coat his tortured tongue in vacation,
    every cool drip transfers to his burning throat, as he
    returns the “money back” lifeline to now cold lips.

    Lannie Stabile

  • Inferno


    Naya Jackson

    I sold my soul to the devil to keep my heart alive.

    His will pushed me forward, My hands bloody and clawing, bruised from fights I can no longer recall. They search for something to hold, to take, to devour the little that is left. My lungs filled with hatred. Heavy and constant the rage poured through me, I struggled to breathe, Yet I enjoyed every second of it. Eyes shine with unshed tears, Remembering empty promises of protection and forgetting the ruin That was caused at the same time

    This is my drug of choice. Let the anger consume your entire being This is how I choose to forgive her for leaving me behind take on this sin that will kill me so that she can live another day, I kiss him as a favor for her, The taste giving me a fire, To burn everything that was destroyed, He howls inside me, The only thing about me untamed.

    I sold my soul to the devil to keep my heart

    Naya Jackson

  • In the Heat of the Moment

    In the Heat of the Moment

    Antoni Ooto

    Sometimes you just have to
    toss in your Idealist hat,
    light the ring, drop the robes,
    and beat the shit out of Reason.

    It’s time to clear the air.

    Then ring the bell,
    mop the blood and sweat off the mat,
    send them back to corners and cut-men.

    Those two were never going to get along.

    Honesty, is lacing up.
    She’s ready to come out swinging.

    Antoni Ooto

  • Magenta is a Landscape

    Magenta is a Landscape

    Cymelle Leah Edwards

    Some hollow way across a reservoir,
    sinking into alleys unobserved,
    too small and skinny to fit into,
    the lost sparks of a firework swirl and
    a homeless man tries to bum a light
    from the sky.
    I close my eyes after looking
    for too long and my thoughts
    double over and curl like a ribbon,
    loosely trailing memories tainted by
    a shallow hue.
    The trees are filled with smoke
    and lather, a swarm of novas dancing
    among the leaves, their tips a show
    of twinkling stars to eyes
    watching from the milky way,
    and the land is steeping as a kettle
    of neglected cactus blossom, queer
    and brewed to its astringent fill,
    my view is sustained by a single flicker
    of magenta as it traces the shape of
    a fiery scene and tries to make sense
    of its light.

    Cymelle Leah Edwards

  • Scorched


    MJ Moore

    On a scorched Miami night,
    a girl’s hot bare feet creep up pale cool walls,
    tracing the old smudged path.
    A pearl of sweat blossoms and spills on the bed.
    Sweet, pungent cigar smoke snakes under the door.
    An opera tenor blares from the warped hi-fi,
    a heart-breaking miserere—
    “Lord, have mercy on my soul.”

    One a.m.

    Outside, moths batter themselves
    against the fizzing porch light,
    circling their moon.

    On nights like this
    the mind stumbles through the garden maze,
    seeking the torched center, longing
    for the way out.

    MJ Moore

  • Milk, Bread and a Few Essential Groceries

    Milk, Bread and a Few Essential Groceries

    Rob McKinnon

    The town was once a thriving centre
    when the paddocks were lush
    the crops had been bountiful.
    At harvest time there was a boom,
    with money to spend
    the shops were full of locals and visitors.

    At first, hopes were that the drought
    would only last a short time
    as they had done in the past.
    Politicians from where the rain still fell
    and the grass was green
    had told them so,
    it had been a long time now since
    they had visited the town.
    What was once an occasional event
    had dragged on and on
    until it had become clear
    that it there had been a permanent change.

    The streets of the town had once
    been teeming with children,
    but only a few older locals remained.
    No one bothered with “for sale” signs anymore,
    no buyers wanted houses in the heat and dust.
    A row of empty shops filled the main street,
    places that were once meeting hubs
    for chats and catch ups by the locals
    had become just voids.

    Wendy’s shop was last one left open.
    In the old days the shelves were fully stocked,
    with only a few regular customers
    she only stocked milk, bread and a few essential groceries.
    She did not know how much longer she could continue,
    with no jobs and no money in town
    she barely covered the bills,
    but she was determined to struggle on
    because this was her home
    and she had nowhere else to go.

    Rob McKinnon

  • Criminalis Carolina

    Criminalis Carolina

    Juliette van der Molen

    why won’t you remember those
    on Gallow’s Hill1, how they
    hung and swung,
    twitched and turned
    unless they were lucky—
    gifted with a hangman
    adept at wrapping nooses
    to snap necks
    of those accused.

    your blood lust demands
    that they were tried by
    fire, those witches,
    my mother,
    writhing in toxic
    fumes, charred putrefaction
    for the appeasement
    of the holy.

    O Constitutio Criminalis Carolina2
    enter in the inquisition,
    tamed into confession licked fire.

    you won’t imagine tears
    of a child,
    harbinger of death
    from my birth cry,
    stealer of souls,
    life’s litany lost
    inside the mouth
    of my serpent familiar
    coiled red-hot,
    forked tongue a-flame.

    O Constitutio Criminalis Carolina
    inscribe history’s memory,
    branding the woman i blamed.

    1) This was the place where condemned witches from the Salem Witch Trials were taken to die by hanging, in accordance with English Law. (Source: Evan Andrews: Were witches burned at the stake during the Salem Witch Trials, The History Channel)

    2) This was the first recognized body of German law which was enacted into law in 1532 during the Diet of Regensburg. This law defined certain crimes as severe and included the crime of witchcraft. It authorized the use of torture to gain confessions and was one of the earliest laws utlized during the inquisition. Punishment for being found guilty of this law was death by burning. (Source: Carnell, Elisabeth: Crimen Excepta: Torture, Jesuits and Witches in Early Seventeenth Century Germany)

    Juliette van der Molen