Nightingale & Sparrow

Glove on a Fence

Glove on a Fence

Hardarshan Singh Valia

A jogger picked up a fallen glove
From the snow-covered ground
Pinned it to a wire fence near the trail
For it to be claimed by its rightful owner.

On last round of jogging
She stopped by the spot
Placed glove from her right hand
Next to the lonely left-handed glove.

During next week of jogging
She was surprised to find a right-handed glove
Placed next to the original left-handed glove
With a note awaiting to be read.

Curiosity got hold of her,
“Thanks for giving company to my hand;
I will not need these gloves anymore
As tomorrow I’ll be deployed to a desert.”

She gathered the three gloves
Walked slowly to the parking lot
And encountered the silence being pierced
By the siren of an ambulance speeding by.

In the gray sky above she watched
A perfect symmetry of flying geese
Being disturbed by a goose
Seeking to get back into formation.

Hardarshan Singh Valia