Nightingale & Sparrow

Robin Anna Smith

Robin Anna Smith

Nonfiction Contributor

Robin Anna Smith (she/her/Mx) is an award-winning, Pushcart-nominated writer and visual artist, whose work focuses on disability, gender, trauma, and loss. Her work is published internationally, in a number of online and print journals, and she has forthcoming work in Kissing Dynamite Poetry and Modern Haiku. Her work is featured in the following anthologies: Unsealing Our Secrets, You Are Not Your Rape, We Will Not Be Silenced, and Love is Love: An Anthology for LGBTQIA Teens. Robin is the founding and chief editor for Human/Kind Journal, and a regular contributor at Eraser Marks, part of Rhythm & Bones Press’ Necropolis Blog. More at and Twitter (@robinannasmith).

Works in Nightingale & Sparrow
