Nightingale & Sparrow


Nightingale & Sparrow Press

Nightingale & Sparrow Press is the publishing branch of Nightingale & Sparrow.

Press submissions are currently closed. 

Vociferous Press

Vociferous Press is an imprint of Nightingale & Sparrow Press that focuses on activism and charity publications that aim to give a strong, loud voice to those who’ve been silenced, including the Screaming from the Silence anthology.

Our Reproductive Rights anthology will be published in 2025. 


Chickling Press

Chickling Press is the children’s publishing imprint of Nightingale & Sparrow, bringing books into the world for and/or by kids.

Submission timelines and other information soon to come.

If you would like to help us build these new projects, as well as our magazine, please consider donating or helping to spread the word on TwitterInstagram, or Facebook.