Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Contributors

  • Iona Murphy

    Iona Murphy

    Fiction Contributor

    Iona Murphy is s a feminist, mental health advocate, and spends most of her time engrossed in the works of Sylvia Plath. She describes her work as “straddling the fine line between poetry and oversharing.” She has writing published with Black Bough, Teen Belle, 3 Moon, Re-Side, The Fruit Tree, Fevers of the Mind, Forty-Two Books, The New Southern Fugatives, Ayaskala, Ang(st) Zine, and Brave Voices.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Sing For Me


  • Hunter Blackwell

    Hunter Blackwell

    Poetry Contributor

    Hunter Blackwell is a graduate of the College of William and Mary. Her work has appeared in Rose Quartz Magazine, The Write Launch, Twist in Time Literary Magazine, Ink & Nebula, Mid-Heaven Magazine, The Athena Review, Barren Magazine, and Crêpe & Penn. She is a Black and Native bisexual author and poet. When not writing, she’s obsessing over the latest Marvel movie. She is a novice crock-pot user and cosplayer.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    3 A.M. is the Perfect Time For a Lost Lover


  • Maya Stott

    Maya Stott

    Poetry Contributor

    Maya is an English tutor from Manchester, England. When she’s not writing or teaching, she spends her time reading books on her balcony. Music was always playing in the background when she was growing up, and this she believes inspired her love of language and poetry.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Record Player


  • Rebecca L. Yong

    Rebecca L. Yong

    Poetry Contributor

    Rebecca is a Singaporean student who loves museums and rainy days. She is also one of Nightingale and Sparrow’s poetry editors. She likes to collect postcards and enamel pins.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    an ode to troubled times


  • Sasha Ockenden

    Sasha Ockenden

    Fiction Contributor

    Sasha Ockenden studied French & German literature at the University of Oxford, where one of his stories was published in the Failed Novelists Society’s ‘Failed Anthology’ and he won an international DAAD prize for creative writing in German. In the last year, his flash fiction pieces have appeared in (mic)ro(mic), Flash Flood, Bending Genres, Riggwelter, and Writers Resist. He is currently based in Berlin and still working on becoming a failed novelist.
    You can read his stories at:

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow



  • Clare O’Brien

    Clare O’Brien

    Poetry Contributor

    Previously PR to a politician and PA to a rock star, Clare now lives noisily in Scotland, writing her first novel, Light Switch. Publication credits include Mslexia, The London Reader, Lunate, Rhythm & Bones Press, Cabinet of Heed, Northwords Now, Spelk, The Emma Press, and Hedgehog Poetry.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    To A Singer, From Her Songs


  • Athena Melliar

    Athena Melliar

    Poetry Contributor

    Athena Melliar is a feminist poet. She has earned herself a degree in Philosophy and Psychology. Her work has appeared in The Menteur, Dark Marrow, LEVELER, So to Speak: a feminist journal of language & arts, Moonchild Magazine, and other literary publications. She has been profiled in Maudlin House. (she/her)

    [Twitter] | [Instagram]

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Soft susurrus


  • Yasmine Rukia

    Yasmine Rukia

    Poetry Contributor

    Yasmine Rukia is a Lebanese-American performing poet, short story writer & uncontested meme-queen of metro-detroit. Her work exploring Arabesque-America, diaspora blues, the internet and womxnhood has appeared in Cliterature, The Porter Gulch Review, Mizna, Tinderbox Poetry Journal and elsewhere. She has two sons and a mean caffeine addiction follow her on facebook for hot-takes if nothing else.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Self-Portrait as my most repeated song


  • Brad Shurmantine

    Brad Shurmantine

    Creative Nonfiction Contributor

    Brad Shurmantine lives in Napa, Ca. He spends time writing, reading, tending three gardens (sand, water, vegetable), keeping bees, taking care of chickens and cats, and working on that husband thing. His poetry has been published in Oddball Magazine, Jam and Sand, Mom Egg, and Ariel Chart. He backpacks in the Sierras and travels when he can, and has a serious passion for George Eliot.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Learning to Play


  • Richard LeDue

    Richard LeDue

    Richard LeDue

    Poetry Contributor

    Richard LeDue (he/him) currently lives in Norway House, Manitoba. He is a Best of the Net nominee. He is the author of three chapbooks and two full length poetry collections. His latest collection, “Dollar Store Blues and Other Cheap Words,” was released in March 2022 from Alien Buddha Press.

    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    What’s Left in the Cooler