Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Poetry

  • Like It Is

    Like It Is

    Anna Teresa Slater

    Everyone always told me what love would look like.
    How love would sashay in through a hollow in the trees.
    Everyone made fairy sighs, declaiming how candy-yellow butterflies
    would swarm or hover above my chair before swooping in.

    How it might bid me hello like a warm pixie’s shudder.
    How I’d be under a spell, floating in sparkly air, how I’ll just know
    when love is there and they were right but why is it that no one
    ever told me how to make love stay when it pointed the other way?

    How not to stumble on the steps after the midnight hour.
    No one told me that love could bite. Love needs to bare it all, ogre and claw.
    I don’t mean to go on like this but love needs to uncover its flaws.
    Let me have tea with the brewing witches beneath the flowers,

    so that when love arrives again, whether love slays a giant or reverts to frog,
    I will be queen of my tower, a master of hearts, vulnerable but armed.

    Anna Teresa Slater

  • Hiraeth


    Whitney Hansen

    You were my husband for an evening,
    when you pretended not to graze my arm at the dinner table.

    Our first kiss did not happen when your friend left the room.

    We whispered “I love you”s in the grocery store,
    but they all came out as cost calculations per ounce.

    We stood side by side at the kitchen’s altar,
    but never clasped hands.
    There were no “I do”s,
    only “Should I put this in the freezer?”

    Our first kiss did not happen
    when I did not offer you a ride home.

    Our first kiss did not happen.

    Whitney Hansen

  • It’s so hard to remember when it’s wanted

    It’s so hard to remember when it’s wanted

    Tori Eberle

    I try to notice things,
    big things and small things.

    The fading murals on industrial buildings
    and the tone of your voice every time
    you say my name.

    But I’m still scared and worried
    about missing anything,

    So, I cling to the muscles of your back
    with my eyes searching for meaning
    in the movements of
    your breath

    when you sigh because
    I asked you something—
    the same thing I always ask
    because I want to remember
    the shapes your mouth
    makes around certain phrases


    Tori Eberle

  • Erophilia


    Michael Estabrook

    Love of Romance

    First Date
    Asking her
    to go steady with me
    on our very first date 50 years ago
    is the greatest thing
    I’ve ever done in my life

    Pure Beauty
    Looking up at me holding my hand tightly
    telling me “Yes I’ll go steady with you
    be your girl if you still want me.”

    Time Travel
    To go back in time fall in love all over again:
    her hair, her walk, her kiss, her scent, her smile –
    what could be better than that?

    Barely able to speak
    in her presence: “Can’t believe
    I’m standing here talking to you.”
    Exactly how I’ve felt
    every day of my life.

    When she would fall asleep
    her pretty head light upon my shoulder
    I’d stay still as a stuffed otter
    listening to the silence
    all around me

    Michael Estabrook

  • Inkwell


    Jason Whitt

    When the inkwell runs dry, from
    the words I’ve written for you,
    when the lines and the curves that
    form the letters all begin to disappear,
    look close my love, at
    the indentations on the page,
    for my pen still writes, even
    though the inkwell ran dry.

    Jason Whitt

  • Star II

    Star II

    H.E. Grahame

    Above the sleepy city, the inky heavens were cloudless and infinite.
    As a wintery breeze kissed their cheeks beneath the vast, star-freckled sky.

    His words and movements were intoxicated
    by too much excitement and gin
    bouncing from foot to foot, arms swinging wildly,
    dancing in the silvery moonlight.
    He faltered just slightly as he looked at her over his shoulder
    and grinned, spilling stars into the night.

    scattering constellations across dark canvas.

    Her brief time with him had taught her the
    angles of his nose and freckled patterns peppering his cheeks,
    his sleepy face at 4 a.m. and how his eyes crinkle when he laughs.
    She watched as he effortlessly reassembled her broken pieces,
    and understood, sowing hope into her life.

    promising their forevers in sparkling bright paints.

    Their twinkling city and whispered breeze orchestrated
    a simple melody matching his sloppy waltz,
    composing a love song, of sentimental verse
    but never so mundane as romance and desire.
    They knew their symphony was unique
    and celebrated, breathing stardust into the air.

    Above the sleepy city, their childlike laughter was timeless and infinite
    As a wintery song changed their lives beneath the vast, star-speckled sky.

    H.E. Grahame

  • Valentine Wishing

    Valentine Wishing

    Rick Blum

    Today’s the day for you, my love
    When I answer all your wishes
    I’ll say the words you long to hear
    “It’s my turn to do the dishes”
    I’ll shower you with long-stemmed roses
    Prepare your favorite drinks
    Then smother you with steamy kisses
    After I scrub the sinks
    I’ll rub your back until you sigh
    Massage your heels and toes
    I’ll run my fingers through your hair
    And then I’ll wash the clothes
    By the time it’s late and you’re in bed
    You’ll be floating in a fog
    Warm as toast on a freezing night
    While I’m walking the dog
    Today’s a day for you, my love
    Say the words I long to hear
    “Oh, my darling, I love you too
    You’re good for another year”

    Rick Blum

  • Coffee Courtship

    Coffee Courtship

    Anne White

    Coming together late in life,
    we linger over coffee, savor time and talk,
    two separate brews reminding us of our separate lives,
    habits formed now spilling over into morning coffee shared.

    His brew requires a daily ritual, sacred and intense:
    Set the grinder growling, filled with satiny, fresh-roasted beans.
    Add near-boiling water. Watch it drizzle gently down
    the narrow neck of the glass carafe, as if by alchemy
    transforming water into luscious amber satisfaction.

    For me, he makes a cold press Witches’ Brew, steeped overnight,
    no early morning fuss or muss, just heat and serve.
    A feeble substitute for proper coffee, in his view,
    but he indulges me because he knows it smooths my cranky edges,
    whets my appetite for eggs and toast and tender talk.

    Still, he coaxes me to join him in his quest
    for pure, delectable perfection. “Just take a taste of mine,”
    he urges, offering his favorite trophy mug, reminder
    of a tennis tournament he won in 1982.

    I bury my nose in the steaming mug, aromas rich with promise.
    I take a sip and close my eyes to concentrate and appreciate.

    He watches, waits, anticipates . . . and finally pops the question:
    “How’s the coffee?” he wants to know. “Is it the best ever?”

    I hesitate.
    Shall I play with him or tell him what he wants to hear?

    Anne White

  • Living Room Love Poem

    Living Room Love Poem

    Jessica Siobhan Frank

    I love
    how you make
    me feel

    a sliver of attention
    from your
    spotlight eyes
    beaming on to me,

    the intensity of your gaze
    flushes my cheeks
    until I just can’t look anymore—

    left over from tiny
    atrocities neglected
    and collected and hardened
    over time.

    I wait for you to take it all back,
    to say no thanks
    but have a good day,
    and you haven’t yet,
    and this breath
    is tight
    in my chest—
    I’m considering letting it go—

    an exploratory exhaling
    careful as you love me openly,

    my lungs relieved
    as you hold your arms out to me.

    I settle into your safety,
    the oasis of acceptance
    in the pillow of your pectoral muscle,
    my anxious hand
    under your clavicle,

    your free hand in my long hair,
    champagne strands
    like desperate tentacles
    braided together by fear.

    I am untangled by you.

    You watch me surface
    and soften
    with each         deep    breath.

    Jessica Siobhan Frank

  • the story of us

    the story of us

    Breanne Weber

    each word of yours
    a grain of sand
    falling on the scale pan opposite my heart
    until i am me again
    each word of mine
    to all except you
    because you have a heart that’s compatible
    each word of the world
    telling us we shouldn’t have made it
    reduced to nothing
    because we proved them wrong
    each word of our love song
    ringing true
    lulling us to sleep
    as our limbs intertwine
    together these words make the story of us
    etched not on paper
    but on the sky
    read not by eyes
    but by the moon every night

    Breanne Weber