Nightingale & Sparrow

Category: Sakura (Issue No. XVIII)

  • Jennifer Mills Kerr

    jennifer mills kerr photo

    Jennifer Mills Kerr

    Fiction Contributor

    Jennifer Mills Kerr is the founder and lead teacher of A World in a Line, a virtual workshop series that inspires & connects poets around the world. Her flash fiction & poetry have been recently published in The Ekphrastic Review, Blink-Ink, and Writing in a Woman’s Voice. Visit her at


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    A Strong Man

  • Robert Rice

    Robert Rice photo

    Robert Rice

    Poetry Contributor

    Rice’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in various literary magazines, including Manoa, New Letters, The North American Review, Quiddity, Hayden’s Ferry Review and others. Rice is the author of a memoir, “Walking into Silence” and lives in Montana on the ancestral homeland of the Absaalooke (Crow) people.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow


  • Jacelyn Yap

    Jacelyn Yap

    Visual Art Contributor

    Jacelyn recently started her creative career proper, having persevered through an engineering major and a short stint as a civil servant. Her artworks have appeared in adda and Sine Theta Magazine. While her focus is mainly on illustration and graphic design, she dabbles in photography when the occasion arises. 


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Early Blossoms in Spring 1

    Early Blossoms in Spring 2

    Early Blossoms in Spring 3

    Early Blossoms in Spring 4

  • Ed Brickell

    Photo of Ed

    Ed Brickell

    Poetry Contributor

    Ed Brickell lives in Dallas, Texas with his two cats, Harper and Maya. His poems have appeared or will appear soon in Hiram Poetry Review, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, Modern Haiku, Willows Wept Review, Hedgerow, Last Leaves Magazine, Loch Raven Review, and other publications. Magazine, and others.  


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow


  • Tylyn K. Johnson


    Tylyn K. Johnson

    Poetry Contributor

    Tylyn K. Johnson (he/they) is a part-time writer from Indianapolis, IN. He writes to reflect his heritage of storytelling and love through the framed lenses of Black Queer artistry. Their language appears in just femme and dandy, The Indianapolis Review, Etchings Literary Magazine, and the lickety~split, among other spaces. They are also the creator of Communal Creativity: A Game of Poetry on Projects and social media:


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    for Now

  • Valerie Hunter

    V Hunter photo

    Valerie Hunter

    Poetry Contributor

    Valerie Hunter teaches high school English, and has had poems in publications including Room, Other Voices, Deep Overstock, and Wizards in Space.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Frederick the Night Blooming Cereus

  • Emily Kedar

    Emily Kedar

    Poetry Contributor

    Emily Kedar is a prize winning poet from Ontario, Canada. Her work has appeared in Living Hyphen, The Maynard and The Hart House Review. She is currently an MFA candidate at Pacific University.


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow


  • Jennifer Geisinger

    Jennifer Geisinger photo

    Jennifer Geisinger

    Fiction Contributor

    Jennifer Geisinger is a writer of memoir, flash fiction and poetry.  She has been published by various anthologies and journals, both on-line and in print, including the Lifespan Series, Shift: A Publication of MTSU Write, Apples in the Dark, Parliament Literary Journal, and is a winner of the 2020 Rails to Trails poetry contest for Southern Minnesota.  She lives on a little island in the Puget Sound with her two children. 


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Sweet Sorrow

  • Ellen Malphrus

    Ellen Malphrus

    Poetry Contributor

    Ellen Malphrus is author of Untying the Moon (foreword by Pat Conroy). Publications include  Chariton, Atlanta Review, Weber: Contemporary West, Poetry South, James Dickey Review, Blue Mountain Review. She is Writer-in-Residence at USC Beaufort and divides her time between the marshes of the South Carolina Lowcountry and the mountains of western Montana.    


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow

    Final Measure

  • Grant Burkhardt

    Grant Burkhardt

    Poetry Contributor

    Grant Burkhardt is a writer of poetry and short fiction, currently working on collections of both. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 


    Works in Nightingale & Sparrow
