We at Nightingale & Sparrow want to highlight our contributors over time. We’ll list all contributors here—each of their pages links to any and all pieces they’ve published with N&S.
Are you a former contributor with exciting news to share? Shoot us an email and brag a little! We want to hear about your new collection, goal publications, and other accomplishments. We love to share your work across social media, too!
A. K. Shakour Poetry A.K. Shakour has a bachelor’s degree from The University of British Columbia in English literature, with
A. M. Johnson Fiction Contributor A. M. Johnson (they/them, she/her, he/him) is the pen name of Annabella Johnson, a writer
A. S. Callaghan Creative Nonfiction Contributor A.S. Callaghan lives and writes in Los Angeles. She has produced stories for public
Poetry Contributor, flight
Aaron Sandberg Poetry Contributor Aaron Sandberg has appeared or is forthcoming in West Trade Review, Sporklet, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Abridged,
Aditi Krishnakumar Poetry Contributor Aditi Krishnakumar is, among other things, a writer and poet. She loves fantasy, mythology and mathematics. Works
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Adritanaya Tiwari Poetry Contributor Adritanaya Tiwari is a dental student from India who has been published in Nightingale & Sparrow,
Poetry Contributor, flight
Alan Parry Poetry Contributor Alan Parry is a poet, playwright and editor from Merseyside, England. He is an English Literature
Alannah Radburn Poetry Contributor Alannah Radburn is a queer witch living in Ottawa, Ontario. She likes to drink tea in
Alenne Nichols Poetry Contributor Allene Nichols lives in Dallas, Texas, where she teaches at Richland College and at the University
Alexander Etheridge Poetry Contributor Alexander Etheridge has been developing his poems and translations since 1998. His poems have been featured
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, heat
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Amanda Coleman White Poetry Contributor Amanda Coleman White is a writer currently working toward a PhD that combines creative writing
Amanda Crum Poetry Contributor Amanda Crum is a writer and artist whose work has been published in Barren Magazine, Detritus
Amanda McLeod Fiction Contributor Margaret King enjoys penning poetry, flash fic, and micro essays. Her recent work has appeared in
Anannya Uberoi Poetry Anannya Uberoi (she/her) is a full-time software engineer and part-time tea connoisseur based in Madrid. She has
Anca Vlasopolos Poetry Contributor Anca Vlasopolos published the award-winning novel The New Bedford Samurai; the award-winning memoir No Return Address:
Andrea Lynn Koohi Fiction Contributor Andrea Lynn Koohi is a writer from Toronto, Canada, with work appearing or forthcoming in The
Ange Yang Photography Contributor Ange Yang is a writer living in Australia with her dog and colossal student debt. She
Angela Acosta Poetry Contributor Angela Acosta is a bilingual Latina poet and scholar. She was recently nominated for Best of
Ann Howells Poetry Contributor Ann Howells edited Illya’s Honey for eighteen years. Her books include: Under a Lone Star, Village
Anna Lindsay Poetry Contributor Anna Lindsay lives in Cambridge, UK, where she was adopted by two cats (yes, that way
Anna Teresa Slater Poetry Contributor Anna Teresa Slater is a high school literature and drama teacher from Iloilo, Philippines, and a
Anne Rundle Poetry Contributor Anne Rundle’s poetry has appeared in Kissing Dynamite, Coffin Bell Journal, Common Ground Review, Artful Dodge,
Anne White Poetry Contributor Anne White is a photographer, poet, and lifelong activist. After retiring from her photography career, she
Annette Gagliardi Poetry Contributor Annette has poetry published or forthcoming in the Gideon Poetry Review, OWS Ink LLC, Dreamers Creative
Annie Marhefka Creative Nonfiction Contributor Annie Marhefka is a writer in Baltimore, Maryland, where she spends her time writing, boating
Annika Gangopadhyay Poetry Contributor Annika Gangopadhyay is an emerging writer. Her work appears in or is forthcoming in LIGEIA, The
Fiction Contributor, heat
Archana Sridhar Poetry Contributor Archana Sridhar is an Indian-American poet and university administrator living in Toronto, Canada. A graduate of
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Poetry Contributor, flight
Ariel K. Moniz Poetry Contributor Ariel K. Moniz is a lifelong writer, emerging poet, and avid reader. She is a
Poetry Contributor, flight
Athena Melliar Poetry Contributor Athena Melliar is a feminist poet. She has earned herself a degree in Philosophy and Psychology.
Avra Margariti PoetryContributor Avra Margariti is a queer Social Work undergrad from Greece. She enjoys storytelling in all its forms
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Barbara A Meier Poetry Contributor Barbara A Meier recently retired from teaching and Oregon and moved to Colorado to spend
Fiction Contributor, renaissance
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Brad Shurmantine Creative Nonfiction Contributor Brad Shurmantine lives in Napa, Ca. He spends time writing, reading, tending three gardens (sand,
Breanne Weber Poetry Contributor Breanne Weber is a 31 year old poet residing in Central Florida with her husband and
Brian John Yule Poetry Contributor Brian Yule is a writer & musician who hails originally from County Durham in the
Brielle Epoh Photography Contributor Born in the Deep South, it didn’t take the Alabama native long to realize she had
Photography and Nonfiction Contributor, flight; renaissance; heat
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, heat
C. M. Lanning Poetry Contributor C. M. Lanning is a transgender journalist in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She has been published in
Fiction Contributor, renaissance
Camille E. Colpitts Poetry Contributor Camille E. Colpitts (she/her/them) is a Black-mixed Mama, southern-born and a queer-fem writer living in
Carella Keil Poetry, Visual Art Contributor Carella is a writer and digital artist who splits her time between the ethereal
Carl Alexandersson Poetry Contributor Carl Alexandersson is a queer writer and performance poet. He is currently pursuing his undergraduate degree
Poetry Contributor, flight
Poetry Contributor, flight
Catherine Thoms Fiction Contributor Catherine Thoms is a Brooklyn-based writer, bookseller, and Goldfish cracker enthusiast. Her work has recently appeared
Poetry Contributor, flight
Ceri Morgan Creative Non-fiction Contributor Ceri Morgan is Professor of Place-writing and Geohumanities at Keele University. A member of the
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, renaissance
Charlotte Friedman Poetry Contributor Charlotte Milholland Friedman is an author (The Girl Pages, Hyperion) and poet and teaches Narrative Medicine
Poetry and Photography Contributor, flight; renaissance
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Cheryl Skory Suma Creative Nonfiction Contributor Cheryl launched her writing career with the novel, Habitan, which was longlisted for the
Christi Krug Creative Nonfiction Contributor Christi Krug’s poetry and prose have appeared in everything from religious magazines to self-help books
Christie Megill Creative Nonfiction Contributor Christie Megill is a middle-grade writer and she also writes essays on motherhood, feminism, and
Christina Ciufo Poetry Contributor Christina Ciufo is a passionate writer in poetry, short stories, flash fictions, fables, and completing her
Christina Ciufo Poetry Contributor Christina Ciufo is a passionate writer in poetry, short stories, flash fictions, fables, and completing her
Fiction Contributor, heat
Chuck Madansky Poetry Contributor Chuck Madansky is a psychotherapist in semi-retirement and the grandfather of six. He lives on Cape
Cindy Rinne Visual Art Contributor Cindy Rinne is a poet and fiber artist living in San Bernardino, CA. She translates
Photography Contributor, flight
Claire Marsden Poetry Whilst chronic pain & disability are Claire’s daily companions, it is through nature & writing that she
Clare Chai Poetry Contributor Clare Chai is a writer who lives and breathes Hong Kong, and hopes to write about
Clare O’Brien Poetry Contributor Previously PR to a politician and PA to a rock star, Clare now lives noisily in
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Clay F. Johnson Poetry Contributor Clay F. Johnson is an amateur pianist, devoted animal lover, and incorrigible reader of Gothic
Colin Lubner Creative Nonfiction Contributor Colin Lubner writes (in English) and teaches (math) in southern New Jersey. His work has
Cory Funk Photography Contributor Cory Funk lives in St Paul, Minnesota. His photography and part of his record collection have
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Cynthia Gallaher Poetry Contributor Cynthia Gallaher, a Chicago-based poet, is the author of four poetry collections, including Epicurean Ecstasy: More
D.W. Baker Poetry Contributor D.W. Baker is a poet and teacher from St. Petersburg, Florida who writes about place, bodies,
Dane Hamann Photography Contributor Dane Hamann edits and indexes textbooks for a publisher in Chicago’s southwest suburbs. He received his
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, heat
Daniel Hinds Poetry Contributor Daniel Hinds won the Poetry Society’s Timothy Corsellis Young Critics Prize 2018 and was shortlisted for
Daniel Rabuzzi Non-fiction Contributor Daniel A. Rabuzzi has had two novels, five short stories and twenty poems published (www.danielarabuzzi.com). He
Danny Fantom Poetry Contributor Danny Fantom is a writer with work in Defunct Magazine, Vocal, and can be found on
December Lace Creative Nonfiction Contributor December Lace is a former professional wrestler and pinup model from Chicago. She is a
Diandra Holmes Poetry Contributor Diandra Holmes has lived in the Midwest for most of her life. She graduated from Butler
Fiction Contributor, renaissance
Donna J. Gelagotis Lee Poetry Contributor Donna J. Gelagotis Lee is the author of two award-winning collections, Intersection on Neptune
Donna J. Gelagotis Lee Poetry Contributor Donna J. Gelagotis Lee is the author of two award-winning collections, Intersection on Neptune
Donna Vitucci Fiction Contributor Donna Vitucci’s stories, poems, and creative nonfiction have been published in print and online since 1990.
Dorian J. Sinnott Fiction Contributor Dorian J. Sinnott is a graduate of Emerson College’s Writing, Literature, and Publishing program, currently
Dr. Pallavi Narayan Photography Contributor Pallavi Narayan is an avid photographer. She holds a PhD in literature, has been Frankfurt
Photography Contributor, renaissance
Ed Brickell Poetry Contributor Ed Brickell lives in Dallas, Texas with his two cats, Harper and Maya. His poems have
Edward Higgins Poetry Contributor Ed Higgins’ poems and short fiction have appeared in various print and online journals including: Monkeybicycle,
Poetry Contributor, flight
Elizabeth Joy Levinson Poetry Contributor Elizabeth Joy Levinson lives, teaches, and writes on the southwest side of Chicago. Recent work
Elizabeth Kemball Poetry Contributor Elizabeth Kemball is a writer and illustrator whose work has featured in Black Bough, Re-Side, Iceberg
Elizabeth Spencer Spragins Poetry Contributor Elizabeth Spencer Spragins is a poet and writer who taught in community colleges for more
Elizabeth York Dickinson Photography Contributor Elizabeth York Dickinson received her MFA in writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Her poetry and
Elle Danbury Photography Contributor Elle Danbury has had her photographs published in Barren Magazine, Cauldron Anthology, littledeathlit, Turnpike Magazine, Honey
Ellen Clayton Poetry Contributor Ellen lives in Suffolk, England with her husband and three young children. She is an avid
Ellen Malphrus Poetry Contributor Ellen Malphrus is author of Untying the Moon (foreword by Pat Conroy). Publications include Chariton, Atlanta
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Emily Ford Poetry Contributor Emily Ford is a writer in North East London. She believes in anti-capitalism, the Earth, a
Emily Kedar Poetry Contributor Emily Kedar is a prize winning poet from Ontario, Canada. Her work has appeared in Living
Emily Patterson Poetry Contributor Emily Patterson received her B.A. in English from Ohio Wesleyan University, where she was awarded the
Emily Perkovich Poetry Contributor Emily Perkovich is an Art Evaluator for Persephone’s Daughters from the Chicago-land area. Her work strives
Emma Atkins Poetry Contributor Emma Atkins is a Bexhill-based poet fascinated by small and unobtrusive things: the overlooked gems. She
Emma Sims Poetry Contributor A deaf and queer scientist from Nottingham; eternally stressed and in need of either coffee or
Emma Wells Fiction Contributor Emma is a mother and English teacher. She has poetry published with and by: The World’s
Erich von Hungen Poetry Contributor Erich von Hungen is a writer from San Francisco, California. His writing has appeared in
Nonfiction Contributor, flight
ESH Leighton Poetry Contributor ESH Leighton is a writer and wanderer who has lived in six cities in the last
Fiction & Poetry Contributor, renaissance; heat
Eva Lynch-Comer Poetry Contributor Eva Lynch-Comer holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from Hamilton College, where she received the John
Eve Croskery Poetry Contributor Eve Croskery lives in Auckland, New Zealand with her partner and two young children, who are
Faith Allington Poetry Contributor Faith Allington is a writer, gardener and lover of mystery parties who resides in Seattle. Her
Fija Callaghan Fiction Contributor Fija Callaghan is a storyteller who writes poetry, love letters, and fiction that can be found
Foy Timms Photography Contributor Foy Timms is a writer/poet/photographer based in Oxfordshire, U.K. She is published in Abridged, Dust Poetry,
Frances Boyle Poetry Contributor Frances Boyle is a Canadian writer, raised on the prairies and living in Ottawa. She is
Gaby Bedetti Poetry and Photography Contributor Gaby Bedetti’s essays, photos, poems, and translations have appeared in New Literary History, Still,
Ginger Dehlinger Poetry Contributor Ginger Dehlinger writes in multiple genres. Her poetry and short stories have appeared in numerous journals
Glenn Bach Poetry Contributor Glenn Bach lives and works in Southern California, with brief stints in Milwaukee and Brooklyn. His
Grant Burkhardt Poetry Contributor Grant Burkhardt is a writer of poetry and short fiction, currently working on collections of both.
Grant Howington Poetry Contributor Grant Howington is somebody who enjoys wearing many hats both figurative and literal. Born and raised
Gwyndolyn Hall Poetry Contributor Gwyndolyn Hall is a dedicated teacher of teenagers, both at school and at home. She is
H. Sanders Poetry Contributor H. Sanders lives, writes, and teaches in Oklahoma City alongside his spouse, Mackenzie, and their beloved
H.E. Grahame Poetry Contributor H.E. Grahame is a writer, poet with work featured in Brave Voices, Z Publishing House’s Emerging
Hannah Fischer Photography Contributor Hannah Fischer is a photographer, writer, and librarian who enjoys clapping on the down beat. Her
Hannah Madonna Fiction Contributor Hannah Madonna is a writer from Mississippi, where she works as a librarian. She is currently
Hannah Napier Rosenberg Poetry Hannah Napier Rosenberg resides in Boston, Massachusetts. She loves writing about magic in the ordinary and
Hannah Skewes Poetry Contributor Hannah Skewes is a poet, essayist, photographer, multimedia storyteller, publication designer and shameless jaywalker based in
Hardarshan Singh Valia Poetry Contributor Poems published in Wards Literary Journal, Northwest Indiana Literary Journal, Poetic Medicine, River babble, Who
Heather Sager Poetry Contributor Heather Sager’s poetry is forthcoming in Umbrella Factory Magazine and CircleShow, and has recently appeared in
henry hu Photography Contributor Exercising through various mediums, Henry Hu’s (born 1995 Hong Kong) emerging practice commits to an infusion.
Hibah Shabkhez Creative Nonfiction Contributor Hibah Shabkhez is a writer of the half-yo literary tradition, an erratic language-learning enthusiast, a
Poetry Contributor, flight
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, renaissance
Hunter Blackwell Poetry Contributor Hunter Blackwell is a graduate of the College of William and Mary. Her work has appeared
Indira Fernando Poetry Contributor Indira (she/they) is a proud queer, immigrant, woman of colour who enjoys writing, reading and taking
Indu Parvathi Poetry Contributor Indu Parvathi is a teacher from Bengaluru, India. Her poetry appears in various literary magazines and
Iona Murphy Fiction Contributor Iona Murphy is s a feminist, mental health advocate, and spends most of her time engrossed
Photography Contributor, renaissance
Issa M. Lewis Poetry Contributor Issa M. Lewis is the author of Infinite Collisions (Finishing Line Press, 2017) and Anchor
Ivanka Fear Poetry Contributor Ivanka Fear is a former teacher now pursuing her passion for writing. She lives in midwestern
J V Birch Poetry Contributor J V Birch lives in Adelaide. Her poems have been published in anthologies, journals and
J.S. Watts Fiction Contributor J.S. Watts is a poet and novelist. Her poetry, short stories and nonfiction appear in
Jacelyn Yap Visual Art Contributor Jacelyn recently started her creative career proper, having persevered through an engineering major and a
Poetry Contributor, flight
James Dowthwaite Poetry Contributor James Dowthwaite is a lecturer in English Literature at the University of Jena, in Germany. He
James G. Piatt Poetry Contributor James is the author of four collections of poetry, Solace Between the Lines (2019), Light
Jane Dougherty Poetry Contributor Jane Dougherty lives and works in rural southwest France. Her home is surrounded by fields and
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, renaissance
Jasmine Arch Poetry Contributor Poet, writer, and narrator Jasmine Arch lives in a rural little corner of Belgium with four
Jasmine Kuzner Creative Nonfiction Contributor Jasmine Kuzner is a writer, wife, and mother to two quick-witted kids. Her work explores
Jason B. Crawford Poetry Contributor Jason B. Crawford is black, bi-poly-queer, and a damn force of nature. In addition to
Jason Whitt Poetry Contributor Jason Whitt is an emerging poet and author who is currently writing for his first collection
Jeffery H. Maclachlan Poetry Contributor Jeffrey H. MacLachlan also has recent work in New Ohio Review, the minnesota review, Santa
Jeffrey Yamaguchi Photography, Visual Art, Nonfiction and Poetry Contributor Jeffrey Yamaguchi is a writer, poet, and photographer exploring and experimenting
Jennifer Geisinger Fiction Contributor Jennifer Geisinger is a writer of memoir, flash fiction and poetry. She has been published by
Jennifer Mills Kerr Fiction Contributor Jennifer Mills Kerr is the founder and lead teacher of A World in a Line, a
Fiction Contributor, flight
Jennifer Skogen Poetry Contributor Jennifer Skogen is the author of the young adult series, The Haunting of Grey Hills, and
Poetry Contributor, flight
Jenny Robb Poetry Contributor Jenny lives in Liverpool UK and has been writing poetry since her teens but only seriously
Jenny Wong Fiction Contributor Jenny Wong is a writer, traveler, and occasional business analyst. Her favorite places to wander are
Jesica Davis Poetry Contributor Jesica Davis is a poet and technical writer from Chicago. She’s an Associate Editor/Managing Editor for
Poetry Contributor, flight
Jesse Breite Poetry Contributor Jesse Breite’s recent poetry has appeared in The Chattahoochee Review, Tar River Poetry, Fourteen Hills, and
Jessica June Cato Poetry Contributor Jessica June Cato is a California based poet and mother. She is a bisexual, biracial
Jessica Siobhan Frank Poetry Contributor Jessica Siobhan Frank is a graduate of McNeese State University’s MFA program. Her work has
Fiction Contributor, heat
Jim Hanson Poetry Contributor Jim Hanson is a retired Senior Researcher at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, where he worked and taught
Jo Angela Edwins Poetry Contributor Jo Angela Edwins has published poems in various journals and anthologies and has also published
Poetry Contributor, flight
Joann Renee Boswell Poetry Contributor Joann Renee Boswell is a teacher, mother, photographer and poet currently living in Camas, WA
Joanna Friedman Poetry Contributor Joanna Friedman’s fiction and poetry have appeared in a variety of anthologies and on-line publications. She
Jody Burke-Kaiser Poetry Contributor Jody Burke-Kaiser was born barefoot in the Appalachian foothills to a family long steeped in storytelling
John C. Polles Poetry Contributor John C. Polles is a copyeditor from Northeast Ohio whose creative work has appeared in
John Grey Poetry Contributor John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident, recently published in Sheepshead Review, Stand, Poetry Salzburg
John Rodzvilla Poetry Contributor John Rodzvilla teaches in the Publishing and Writing programs at Emerson College in Boston. His work
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Jordan Brown Creative nonfiction Contributor Jordan Brown received an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, where
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Poetry Contributor, flight, heat
Julia M. C. M. Poetry Contributor Julia M. C. M. is a writer, historian, and teacher from Brazil, who would
Julia Watson Poetry Contributor Julia Watson earned her MFA in Poetry from North Carolina State University. She was a finalist
Founding Editor | Author of Micro: a microchapbook of micropoems
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, heat
Poetry Contributor, flight
Photography Contributor, heat
K. Gene Friedman Non-fiction Contributor K. Gene Friedman is a queer, invisibly disabled high school dropout working in sexual and
Nonfiction Contributor, flight
Fiction Contributor, renaissance; Creative Nonfiction Contributor, heat
Kaitlyn Dempsey Visual Art Contributor Kaitlyn Dempsey is a lifelong resident of WI and aspiring author. She’s only been published
Karen E Fraser Poetry Contributor Karen E Fraser is a Melbourne-based writer and poet, with degrees in Professional and Creative
Karen Pierce Gonzalez Visual Art Contributor Karen Pierce Gonzalez’s assemblage art is a kinetic conversation with natural and found materials that
Karen Sadler Poetry Contributor Karen Sadler (she/her) is a geriatric millennial living in Toronto with her husband and two young
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Karin Hedetniemi Photography Contributor Karin lives by the sea in Victoria, Canada where she photographs everyday beauty and writes about
Karla Linn Merrifield Poetry Contributor Karla Linn Merrifield has 14 books to her credit, including her 2019 Athabaskan Fractal: Poems
Karson Poetry Contributor Karson is a 26-year-old from Derry, Ireland. He currently lives in Leeds, UK, where he is working
Kat Terban Poetry Contributor Kat Terban, author of 30-50 Feral Pages was named Outstanding Young Poet in 2019 and was
Kate Garrett Poetry Contributor Kate Garrett writes and edits. Her poetry is widely published, has been nominated for Best of
Kate Gough Poetry Contributor Kate Gough is a Calgary based poet and a member of the online poetry community. Her
Katelyn Darrow Poetry Contributor Katelyn Darrow is a multimedia journalist currently residing in Los Angeles, CA. Works in Nightingale &
Kathleen McKitty Harris Creative Nonfiction Contributor Kathleen McKitty Harris is a fifth-generation native New Yorker whose work has appeared in
Kathryn de Leon Poetry Contributor Kathryn de Leon is from Los Angeles, California but has been living in England for
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
KB Ballentine Poetry Contributor KB Ballentine’s sixth collection, The Light Tears Loose, appeared this summer with Blue Light Press. Published
Kelli Lage Poetry Contributor Kelli Lage lives in the Midwest countryside with her husband, and their dog, Cedar. Lage is
Kersten Christianson Poetry Contributor Alaskan Poet, Moon Gazer, Raven Watcher, Northern Trekker, Teacher. Kersten Christianson derives inspiration from wild, wanderings,
Kevin Browne Photography Contributor Kevin Browne is an anthropologist and writer living in Wisconsin. Works in Nightingale & Sparrow Creekside
Kevin Densley Poetry Contributor Kevin Densley is an Australian poet whose work has appeared in Australian, English and American journals.
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Fiction Contributor, heat
Kim Ann Poetry Contributor Kim Ann is a mother, poet, and lover of dreams. She has been published in Twisted
Kim Backalenick Escobar Poetry Contributor Kim Backalenick Escobar graduated from Antioch College. She worked as a chef for many years.
Kim Malinowski Poetry Contributor Kim Malinowski earned her B.A. from West Virginia University and her M.F.A. from American University. She
Kimberly Wolkens Fiction, Poetry and Photography Contributor Kimberly Wolkens is a Marketing Coordinator by day and an author of dark
Kirsty Jones Poetry Contributor Kirsty Jones is a British writer living in Bristol – the city where Colston finally fell,
Kristiana Reed Poetry Contributor Kristiana Reed is a writer and freelance editor. She is the Editor in Chief for Free
Poetry Contributor, flight
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, flight
Kristina Saccone Fiction Contributor Kristina Saccone crafts flash fiction and creative nonfiction in the hours between logging off from work
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, heat
Poetry Contributor, flight, heat
Larissa Reid Fiction Contributor A former English teacher turned freelance science writer, Larissa has written poetry and prose regularly for
Larry Blazek Poetry Contributor Larry Blazek was born in Northern Indiana, but moved to the southern part because the climate
Lauren Aspery Poetry Contributor Lauren is a 22 year old student from the North East of England and is currently
Lauren Aspery Poetry Contributor Lauren Aspery is a school librarian from the North East of England. She is a two-time
Lauren Boisvert Poetry Contributor Lauren Boisvert is a writer from Florida. Her work has been featured online and in print
Laurence Levy-Atkinson Poetry Contributor Laurence Levy-Atkinson is a writer and poet based in Melbourne, Australia. His work can be found
Lavinia Kumar Poetry Contributor Lavinia Kumar’s books are The Skin and Under (Word Tech, 2015), and The Celtic Fisherman’s Wife:
Poetry Contributor, renaissance
Leslie Cairns Poetry Contributor Leslie holds an MA English degree from SUNY Fredonia. She currently lives in Denver, and enjoys
Liana Tsang Cohen Fiction Contributor Liana Tsang Cohen just graduated from Princeton University, where she majored in English and wrote
Creative Nonfiction Contributor, renaissance
Fiction Contributor, renaissance
Lin Lentine Creative Nonfiction Contributor Lin Lentine is a queer poet whose work has been published in Noctua Review, The
Poetry Contributor, flight, heat
Linda McMullen Fiction Contributor Linda McMullen is a wife, mother, diplomat, and homesick Wisconsinite. Her short stories have appeared or
Lindsey Pucci Photography / Visual Art Contributor Lindsey Pucci lives with her Husband and son in Minnesota. She was the
Poetry Contributor, flight; Photography Contributor, renaissance; Nonfiction Contributor, heat
Lisa Romano Licht Poetry Contributor Lisa Romano Licht’s poetry and essays have appeared in Ovunque Siamo, Mom Egg Review and
Louis Dennis Photography Contributor Louis Dennis learned photography in a chemical darkroom. He finds surprises where they are least expected.
Luanne Castle Poetry Contributor Luanne Castle’s new poetry collection is Rooted and Winged (Finishing Line Press). Kin Types, a chapbook
Lynn White Poetry Contributor Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her work is influenced by issues of social justice and
Author of Gravity (2019) | Poetry Contributor, renaissance | Nonfiction Contributor, heat
Madalena Daleziou Poetry Contributor Madalena Daleziou is a Greek writer, researcher and content creator, living in Glasgow where she studied
Maggie Frank-Hsu Poetry Contributor Maggie Frank-Hsu is a San Diego-based writer and editor who self-published her first book, Be About
Maggie Krebs Visual Art Contributor Maggie Krebs graduated from Miami University with a major in Psychology and a minor in
Mahaila Smith Poetry Contributor Mahaila Smith (any pronouns) is a young, femme writer, living and working on the traditional territory
Maia Joy Poetry Contributor Maia Joy is a queer biracial poet and musician from Boston, MA. A two-time Silver Key
Mandira Pattnaik Fiction Contributor Mandira Pattnaik’s work has been published by The Times of India, Panoplyzine, Spelk, Lunate, The Bombay
Marcelle Newbold Poetry Contributor Marcelle Newbold loves poetry as a way of exploring inner digressions. She addresses the unexceptional as
Margaret King Poetry Contributor Margaret King is a Wisconsin author who enjoys penning poetry, short stories, and novellas. Her recent
Margaret King Poetry Contributor Margaret King is a Wisconsin author who enjoys penning poetry and flash fiction. She has forthcoming
Margaret King Non-fiction Contributor Margaret King enjoys penning poetry, flash fic, and micro essays. Her recent work has appeared in
Marianne Brems Poetry Contributor Marianne Brems is a long time writer of textbooks, but also loves to write whimsical poems.
Marianne Brems Poetry Contributor Marianne Brems is a long time writer of trade books, textbooks, and poetry. She has an
Marie A. Bailey Creative Nonfiction Contributor Marie A Bailey has been published online in The Disappointed Housewife, 50-Word Stories, and
Marie-Louise Eyres Poetry Contributor Marie-Louise received her MFA from Manchester Writing School in 2020. In 2021 she was a winner
Marielle Songy Poetry Contributor Marielle Songy (she/her) is a writer living in New Orleans. She’s a small-time journalist by trade,
Mário Santos Poetry Contributor Mário Santos lives in Lisbon, Portugal. Coming from languages and arts but passionate for the new
Mark A. McCutcheon Poetry Contributor Mark A. McCutcheon teaches English literature at Athabasca University. Mark’s poems appear in literary magazines
Marsha Leigh Photography Contributor Marsha Leigh is a featured artist with Corel Painter software. Her nonfiction writing has appeared in
Martina Rimbaldo Poetry and Photography Contributor Martina Rimbaldo was born 29 years ago and lives and works in Croatia, a
Mary Christine Delea Poetry Contributor Mary Christine Delea is a poet originally from Long Island, NY who now lives in
Mary Sophie Filicetti Fiction Contributor Mary Sophie writes flash and short fiction in the myriad coffee shops around the DC
Matthew Miller Poetry Contributor Matthew Miller teaches social studies, swings tennis rackets, and writes poetry – all hoping to create
Matthew Pinkney Fiction Contributor Matthew Pinkney is a writer of socially-conscious stories across genre and medium. Originally from San Jose,
Max Eichelberger Fiction Contributor Max was born in Palm Springs, CA and went to school at the University of San
Maya Stott Poetry Contributor Maya is an English tutor from Manchester, England. When she’s not writing or teaching, she spends
Megha Sood Poetry Contributor Megha Sood is an author at Whisper and the Roar, GoDogGoCafe, and Asst. Poetry editor at
Mel D. Sullivan Fiction Contributor Mel D. Sullivan is a writer, attorney and a winner of the 2018 Bucks County Short Fiction
Mel Piper Visual Art Contributor Mel Piper is based in Coventry, UK and been a keen photographer since as soon
Melissa Frentsos Poetry Contributor Melissa Frentsos is a Canadian living in NJ. She is inspired by just about everyone and
Melodie Jones Poetry Contributor Melodie Jones is a twenty-two-year-old Ball State University graduate. She majored in English Education and minored
Merril D. Smith Poetry Contributor Merril D. Smith is a historian and poet who writes from southern New Jersey. Her
Michael Estabrook Poetry Contributor Michael Estabrook has been publishing his poetry in the small press since the 1980s. Hopefully with
Michael Maul Poetry Contributor Michael Maul lives in Bradenton, Florida. His poems have previously appeared in numerous literary publications and
Michael Nelson Photography Contributor Michael Nelson is a software engineer with a B.S. in Computer Science with an emphasis in
miss macross Creative Nonfiction Contributor miss macross is a Pittsburgh-based writer, witch, and painter. She is influenced by spacecraft, witchcraft, and personal
Mitchell G. Roshannon Creative nonfiction Contributor Mitchell G. Roshannon is a recently graduated student from Susquehanna University with a degree
MJ Moore Poetry Contributor MJ Moore lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has been a technical writer and
Mollie Williamson Fiction Contributor Mollie Williamson attended Saint Mary’s College of California double majoring in Art History and Women’s Studies
N.D. Erwin Poetry Contributor N.D. Erwin is a rural poet, educator, community mediator, and researcher at the School of International
Nancy Hathaway Poetry Contributor Writing under her own name, under a pseudonym, and as a ghost, Nancy Hathaway has published
Naoise Gale Poetry Contributor Naoise Gale is a twenty-year-old autistic poet who writes about mental health, addiction and eating disorders.
Nate Maxson Poetry Contributor Nate Maxson is a writer and performance artist. The author of several collections of poetry, he
Naya Jackson Poetry Contributor Naya Jackson is an aspiring poet from South Carolina. She is currently working on her BA
Neha Maqsood Poetry Contributor Neha Maqsood is a journalist who has written for multiple publications ranging from but not limited
Nicola Ashbrook Fiction Contributor Nicola Ashbrook has been writing for a year or two. Her flash fiction can be found
Nikkin Rader Poetry Contributor Nikkin Rader has degrees in poetry, gender & sexuality studies, anthropology, philosophy, and other humanities and
Nina Fosati Fiction Contributor Nina Fosati loves portraiture and historic clothing. Beguiled, she regularly posts her favorites on Twitter @NinaFosati.
Nishtha Tripathi Poetry Nishtha is a law student who believes that there can never be enough written or read about
Noreen Ocampo Poetry Noreen Ocampo (she/her) is a Filipina American writer studying English and film at Emory University. She is
Oliver Schopfer Photography Contributor Olivier Schopfer is a Swiss poet and photographer, born in 1966 in Geneva. He finds inspiration
Parker Cassel Photography Contributor Parker Cassel is a writer, performer and visual artist from London, U.K. Works in Nightingale &
Parth Shirke Photography Contributor Parth Shirke (he/him) received his Master’s in Electrical Engineering from CSU Long Beach in 2016. Since
Patricia Budd Poetry Contributor Patricia Budd, a Navy Brat, grew up reading everything in sight, including lots of Science Fiction.
Patricia Davis-Muffett Poetry Contributor Patricia Davis-Muffett (she/her) holds an MFA from the University of Minnesota. Her work has won numerous
Paul Bluestein Poetry Contributor Paul Bluestein is a physician (done practicing), a blues musician (still practicing) and a dedicated Scrabble
Paula Bonnell Poetry Contributor Paula Bonnell’s poems have appeared in print and online in publications in the U.S., Canada, the
Paula Turcotte Fiction Contributor Paula Turcotte was born and raised on Treaty 7 land, home of the Siksika, Piikani, Kainai,
Penny Pennell Fiction Contributor Penny Pennell received an M.A. in English from the University of Illinois at Springfield. Her fiction
Peter Stewart O’Grady Poetry Contributor Peter Lives in England, in the county of Wiltshire. He has been writing poems for
Peter Wood Poetry Contributor Peter Wood is a social science researcher most recently based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. His work
Pranav Yadav Poetry Contributor Pranav, a 20-year-old “awkward dad friend”, describes himself as a professional procrastinator. He’s the friendly nerd,
Prem Sylvester Poetry Contributor Prem Sylvester is an Indian writer whose work has appeared in Memoir Mixtapes, Rigorous, Rising Phoenix Review,
Preston Smith Poetry Contributor Preston Smith is a senior at Bowling Green State University where he studies English Literature. Preston
Prithiva Sharma Poetry Contributor Prithiva Sharma is a student from India, juggling boredom and procrastination. Her life is at an
Pushpanjali Kumari Poetry Contributor Pushpanjali Kumari is a native of Jharkhand, a state in eastern India, and is currently pursuing
R Hamilton Poetry Contributor R Hamilton (they/them) is returning to poetry as a means of filling the vacuum left after
Rachel Coyne Visual Art Contributor Rachel Coyne is a writer and painter from Lindstrom, Mn. Works in Nightingale & Sparrow
Rahul Gaur Poetry Contributor Rahul Gaur is an award-winning filmmaker in the short film circuit who also bides away his
Creative nonfiction contributor, flight
RC deWinter Poetry Contributor RC deWinter’s poetry is widely anthologized, notably in New York City Haiku (NY Times, 2/2017), easing
Rebecca Harmon Poetry Contributor Rebecca Harmon is a recent graduate from Utah State University. Besides writing, she also loves to
Rebecca L. Yong Poetry Contributor Rebecca is a Singaporean student who loves museums and rainy days. She is also one
Rebecca Lilly Poetry Contributor Rebecca Lilly earned degrees from Cornell (M.F.A., poetry) and Princeton (Ph.D., philosophy) Universities and works as
Fiction contributor, heat
Resolute Lee Poetry Contributor Resolute Lee is an emerging writer who shares interpretations of the world through photography, poetry, and
Richard LeDue Poetry Contributor Richard LeDue (he/him) currently lives in Norway House, Manitoba. He is a Best of the Net
Rick Blum Poetry Contributor Rick Blum has been chronicling life’s vagaries through essays and poetry for more than 30 years
Robert Okaji Poetry Contributor Robert Okaji lives in Indiana. He holds a BA in history, and has no affiliation with
Robert Rice Poetry Contributor Rice’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in various literary magazines, including Manoa, New Letters, The
Nonfiction contributor, flight
Robyn Smith Poetry Contributor Robyn Smith is a writer living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with a kick ass eleven-year-old and
Rochelle L. Harris Cox Poetry Contributor Rochelle L. Harris Cox is from Northwest Georgia where she currently teaches writing and
Rosalie Wessel Poetry Contributor Rosalie Wessel is currently an English and Creative Writing student. Works in Nightingale & Sparrow in
Roselle Farr Photography / Visual Art Contributor Roselle Farr is a UK based photographer, who has previously had photographs published
Sabrynne Buchholz Poetry Contributor Sabrynne has taken to using poetry as a means of investigating and learning about the world
Sam Goundry Butler Poetry Contributor I am a teacher and writer based in South East London. I am currently studying
Sam Jowett Poetry Contributor Sam Jowett is a queer, non-binary writer and law student living in Toronto Ontario. They enjoy
Samantha DeFlitch Poetry Contributor Samantha DeFlitch is the author of Confluence (Broadstone Books, 2021). Her work has appeared or is
Samantha Godwin Poetry Contributor Samantha Godwin is a graduate of Mercer University and current student at Kennesaw State University’s Masters
Sandy Benitez Poetry Contributor Sandy Benitez writes lyrical poetry & fiction, sometimes dark, magical, or mysterious. Her fondest memories of
Poetry contributor, flight
Sarah Beck Mather Visual Art, Poetry Contributor Sarah is an artist, actress, and poet – recently published by The Bounds
Creative nonfiction contributor, heat
Sarah Leavesley Photography Contributor Sarah Leavesley is a prize-winning photographer, journalist, poet and fiction writer. She was Resident Artist 2019
Poetry contributor, flight
Sarra Culleno Poetry Contributor Sarra Culleno is a London born, Manchester based UK poet, a mother of two and an
Poetry contributor, renaissance
Sasha Ockenden Fiction Contributor Sasha Ockenden studied French & German literature at the University of Oxford, where one of his
Poetry contributor, flight
Fiction contributor, flight
Fiction contributor, heat
Poetry contributor, renaissance
Shannon Elizabeth Gardner Cover Art – Nevermore Shannon Elizabeth Gardner is a graduate from the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point with
Fiction contributor, flight
Shay Siegel Poetry Contributor Shay Siegel is from Long Island, New York. She graduated from Tulane University with a B.A.
Sonia Beauchamp Poetry Contributor Sonia Beauchamp (she/her) is a healing artist on the North Shore of Oahu. Her poetry examines
Stacie Santillo Photography Contributor Stacie Santillo is a writer and photographer living in Pennsylvania. Most days she can be found
Stefanie Kirby Poetry Contributor Stefanie Kirby is a bilingual poet residing just outside of Denver, Colorado. She has studied poetry
Stephen Jackson Poetry Contributor Stephen Jackson lives and writes in the Pacific Northwest. He has authored multiple chapbooks, including Fifteen
Poetry contributor, flight
Steve Deutsch Poetry Contributor Steve Deutsch lives in State College, PA. His recent publications have or will appear in Evening
Stuart Buck Poetry Contributor Stuart Buck is a poet and author living in north Wales. His debut collection of poetry,
Stuart Rawlinson Poetry Contributor Stuart Rawlinson is a Brisbane-based writer, focused on poetry. He released his first poetry collection in
Poetry contributor, renaissance
Susan Barry-Schulz Poetry Contributor Susan Barry-Schulz is a licensed Physical Therapist and poet. Her work has appeared in The Wild
Poetry contributor, renaissance
Susan P. Blevins Poetry Contributor Susan P. Blevins was born in England and has been a happy ex-pat for the
T.M. Semrad Creative Nonfiction Contributor T.M. Semrad writes across and among genres in Los Angeles. Her writing has appeared in
Photography contributor, flight
Thomas Zimmerman Poetry Contributor Thomas Zimmerman teaches English, directs the Writing Center, and edits The Big Windows Review—thebigwindowsreview.com at Washtenaw
Poetry contributor, flight
Tony Press Fiction Contributor Tony Press often quotes Chief Broom: “But it’s the truth even if it didn’t happen.” He
Tony Press Poetry Contributor Tony Press tries to pay attention. Sometimes he does. His story collection, Crossing the Lines, was
Tori Eberle Poetry Contributor Tori Eberle is a writer based out of Brooklyn, NY. She lives with her dog, cat,
Tricia Knoll Poetry Contributor Tricia Knoll is a Vermont poet who lives in the woods. Her work appears widely in
Trishita Das Poetry Contributor Trishita Das is a student and writer from Mumbai, India. In her poems, she celebrates and
Photography contributor, flight
Tylyn K. Johnson Poetry Contributor Tylyn K. Johnson (he/they) is a part-time writer from Indianapolis, IN. He writes to reflect
Valerie Hunter Poetry Contributor Valerie Hunter teaches high school English, and has had poems in publications including Room, Other Voices,
Victoria Punch Poetry Contributor Victoria Punch is a voice coach and musician writing from home in Devon between the moors
Vikki C. Poetry Contributor Vikki C., author of ‘The Art of Glass Houses’ (Alien Buddha Press), is a British-born writer,
Vinayak Singh Fiction Contributor Vinayak Singh is a 20 year old undergrad from India. He loves skimping on project submissions
Visar Poetry Contributor Author of Daylight, a microchapbook published by Ghost City Press 2018, Visar writes poems that have appeared on isacoustic
W. Rebecca Wood Poetry Contributor W. Rebecca Wood lives in Boise, Idaho with her husband Bruce. Their five adult children
Whitney Hansen Poetry Contributor Whitney Hansen is a writer teaching English to teenagers, who allegedly say she’s pretty cool. She
Wilda Morris Poetry Contributor Wilda Morris, Workshop Chair of Poets and Patrons of Chicago and a past President of the
William Conelly Poetry Contributor After military service William Conelly took both Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in English at UC Santa
William Doreski Poetry Contributor William Doreski has published three critical studies and several collections of poetry. His work has appeared
Yasmine Rukia Poetry Contributor Yasmine Rukia is a Lebanese-American performing poet, short story writer & uncontested meme-queen of metro-detroit. Her
Yelaina Anton Creative Nonfiction Yelaina Anton hails from a small city outside Boston, USA and studies Creative Writing at NUIG
Yvette Viets Flaten Poetry Contributor Yvette Viets Flaten, Eau Claire, WI, writes fiction and poetry. Growing up in a military
Zach Murphy Fiction Contributor Zach Murphy is a Hawaii-born writer with a background in cinema. His stories appear in Reed
Zebib K. A. Poetry Contributor Zebib K. A. a writer, psychiatrist, and movie lover living in NYC. She comes from
Zoe Mitchell Poetry Contributor Zoe Mitchell is a widely-published poet whose work has been featured in a number of magazines
Zoe Philippou Photography Contributor Zoe is a writer and photographer who dabbles in whatever she thinks can be used to
Zoe Raven Fiction Contributor Zoe recently graduated from the Undergraduate Diploma in Creative Writing at the University of Oxford and