Nightingale & Sparrow

Author: juliette

  • love



    ISSN 2642-0104 (print)
    ISSN 2641-7693 (online)

    Print Edition

    Online Edition

    Editor’s Letter

    Founding Editor, Juliette Sebock


    the story of us,  Breanne Weber

    Like It IsAnna Teresa Slater

    Erophilia, Michael Estabrook

    Still unsentCarl Alexandersson

    To Kiss Your Burled Lips, Annette Gagliardi

    Valentine Wishing, Rick Blum

    It’s so hard to remember when it’s wanted, Tori Eberle

    To a Distant Lover, Jenny Robb

    PatchRickey Rivers Jr.

    Coffee Courtship, Anne White

    Spinning Time, Michael Maul

    I love…, Marcelle Newbold

    Love Poems That Are Not About Suffering Are Difficult, Lauren Boisvert

    Getting Things in Order, Brian John Yule

    You Make Me Bloom, Erich von Hungen

    Because the Moon Is Tuned to Open G, Karla Linn Merrifield

    Nothing More Beautiful, Elizabeth Kemball

    Strawberries, Kim Malinowski

    Autumnal Aches, Emma Sims

    Hiraeth, Whitney Hansen

    geeky and the beast, Jasmine Arch

    Green Shoes, Katelyn Darrow

    Cupid, Wilda Morris

    Living Room Love Poem, Jessica Siobhan Frank

    Side by Each, Edward Higgins

    Star II, H.E. Grahame

    Aubade, Jo Angela Edwins

    Inkwell, Jason Whitt

    Wedding at Ward 35, Daniel Hinds

    Stirring, Kim Ann


    Unlocked, December Lace

    A Wedding, T.M. Semrad

    Love Letter to a Young Man in A Foreign Land, Marie A Bailey


    Coffee Date, Catherine Thoms

    Threshing, Don Noel

    Love-Drury, Nicola Ashbrook

    Perhaps, Essie Dee

    Penn Station Sunday, 1942Tony Press


    Writing You a Letter, Karin Hedetniemi

    Affection, Karin Hedetniemi

    Kindness, Karin Hedetniemi

    Blossoming, Karin Hedetniemi

    Broken Love Bee Eaters, Hannah Fischer

    Mysterious, Karin Hedetniemi

    Firenze, Karin Hedetniemi

    Everywhere I Go, Karin Hedetniemi

    Confession, Karin Hedetniemi

    Adoration, Karin Hedetniemi

    Cover Image

    Always Remember This, Karin Hedetniemi


    In the leadup to love, we shared a series of micropoems across social media: 

    love micropoems

  • love – micropoems

    In the leadup to our fifth issue, love, we shared a series of micropoems from some talented submitters:

  • Reproductive Rights Anthology

    Curated by Juliette Sebock, André Lepine, & Lynne Schmidt

    Publication Date: 14 July 2020
    Vociferous Press
    10 Pages

    Genre: Poetry, Prose, Visual Art

    In the current political climate, many find themselves voiceless. With Roe v. Wade under attack and abortion bans squaring off against reproductive rights, those with agendas use case studies and extrapolated scenarios to speak for entire groups. Yet such generalities almost certainly miss details and nuances important to the larger debate.

    Birthing parents, in particular, often have less political power than birth partners or even fetuses. Cis women, disabled people, and trans people all become talking points and cardboard hypotheticals, their realities forgotten. Even as their bodies become a battleground, birthing parents find their voices and experiences with pregnancy ignored.

    With this anthology, we want to bring the voices and experiences of birthing parents back to the forefront. Every pregnancy has the potential to transform bodies and lives, and all pregnancies carry risks of long-term health issues or even death. Each person’s body belongs to them alone. So does each person’s voice. Let us hear you and feel your life. Your experience with pregnancy is unique, including how it began, how it ended, and whether it happened the way you wanted. All are welcome to submit.

    Submissions will be open from 1 February through 30 April, using Eastern times. Any pieces sent outside of these dates will not be considered. If a substantial amount of pieces are received prior to this date, submissions may be closed earlier—should that be the case, prompt advance notice will be given.

    Submissions will be seen by our editorial team and will be held in the strictest confidence. Anonymous/pseudonymous submissions are welcome, though we do require an email address for communication.

    While there is no payment for inclusion in this anthology, we will be submitting a portion of the profits from sales to Planned Parenthood, whose work—including those beyond abortion & contraception, such as LGBT+ services, patient education, STD tests, and cancer screenings—is so important and we look forward to playing a small part in helping those services continue to be offered.

    What are we looking for in a submission?

    *While we’ve fallen behind due to circumstances beyond our control, we are still making our way through submissions, with updates coming soon. Thank you all for your patience and stay safe!*

    Of course, we want to accept well-crafted work. But, beyond that, we want to create a safe space in which you may share your words and experiences without fear—of judgement, of retribution, of anything beyond expressing your emotions and experiences.

    We will consider previously published work, though previously unpublished pieces will have a better chance of acceptance. If your piece has appeared elsewhere, please make a note in your cover letter.

    Here are some examples of the kinds of stories and experiences we are interested in reading (not in any particular order and not exclusive):

    • People who could not get pregnant without outside assistance
    • Tough pregnancies that carried to term but involved trauma or post-partum issues
    • Termination of pregnancy
    • Stories of facing abortion restrictions or other barriers to accessing care
    • Same-gender couples’ stories about pregnancy
    • Late-term miscarriages or pregnancies with a late medical emergency
    • Early pregnancy loss
    • Transgender persons’ stories about pregnancy
    • Stories where the non-child-bearing partner left, or stayed
    • Unplanned or unexpected pregnancies and the resulting issues and choices
    • Choices regarding contraception
    • Stories about how pregnancy changed someone’s body

    To submit:

    To submit work to this project, fill out this form. Please be sure to include all required items (marked by an asterisk). Please submit a separate form for separate pieces—we’re happy to consider poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or visual artwork.

    *Note that our form sends an automated response confirming your submission. Please be sure to check junk/spam folders before inquiring whether your piece(s) has been received.

    Response times will depend on how many submissions are received, but we aim to have decisions made within one month of the closing of submissions (in this case, 31 May).  Should this change, we’ll update this page and our social media pages accordingly.  And, whatever our response should be, we want to thank you for submitting—while we can’t accept every piece sent our way, we know how difficult this subject matter can be and the bravery it takes to submit. Thank you for trusting us with your work!


  • 2020 Microchapbook Shortlist

    Despite being open for just two weeks, we were absolutely blown away by the interest in our microchapbook submissions for 2020-2021 publication. We were worried that the formatting might be too restrictive for many prospective submitters (and it certainly did trip up a few along the way), but we were thrilled to have plenty to read.  In total, we received 70 manuscripts, with nearly 750 pages of material!  From this, we selected 24 manuscripts for our longlist and, from that, have selected the below shortlist, from which we’ll select our final choices for publication.

    We are so grateful to each and every author who sent in their work—each stage of this process becomes more difficult as we select pieces from a phenomenal group of chapbooks.

    From the following manuscripts, we’ll choose our final selections, which will be published by Nightingale & Sparrow Press between March 2020 and January 2021.

    The Shortlist

    A letter from your sheets // if your sheets could speak – Elizabeth Kemball

    Bouquet of Fears – Noa Covo

    echoes – Heather Parker

    ephemeral – Samantha Rose

    My Friend, Grief – Cat Woodbury

    Natalie – Keana Aguila Labra

    Night-Split Dreams & the Green-Eyed Fly – W. E. Pasquini

    Queer Girl Falls – Lannie Stabile

    She Flocks Away – Leona Wilde

    the time when I – Tia Haynes

    The Book of Likes – Heather Sweeney

    Tryst – Eileen Farrelly

  • Screaming from the Silence Anthology


    Published: Vociferous Press

    Publication Date:  28 January 2020

    Genre: Poetry, Prose, Visual Art



    Though there are lots of projects published and forthcoming that give a much-needed voice to those affected by sexual violence, and many do accept anonymous pieces, there isn’t a space specifically for those who aren’t comfortable sharing their name alongside their stories, for whatever reason.  The Screaming from the Silence anthology hopes to fill that gap and provide that space for poets, writers, and artists.

    Screaming from the Silence consists of three sections:

    Stanzas from the Silence – poetry

    Stories from the Silence – prose

    Sketches from the Silence – visual art

    Available in print, Kindle, and PDF editions

    Screaming from the Silence contains these previously published pieces:

    “Our Unconscious Censor” – Vitamin ZZZ
    “seeds of rape forgotten fruits” – Tuck Magazine
    “Imprisoned” – The Broken Inside of Me
    “Just Breathe” – The Broken Inside of Me
    “Snowbound” – Gargoyle
    “Complex PTSD” – The Broken Inside of Me

  • 2020 Microchapbook Longlist

    Despite being open for just two weeks, we were absolutely blown away by the interest in our microchapbook submissions for 2020-2021 publication. We were worried that the formatting might be too restrictive for many prospective submitters (and it certainly did trip up a few along the way), but we were thrilled to have plenty to read.  In total, we received 70 manuscripts, with nearly 750 pages of material!

    We are so grateful to each and every author who sent in their work—compiling this list was made incredibly difficult by the quality of each and every manuscript.

    Manuscripts were reviewed without identifying information, so it was especially exciting to find that a few of our former contributors were the authors behind these works—and even more so to discover several names that are entirely new to us here at N&S!

    From the following manuscripts, we’ll create our shortlist of 12 microchapbooks before choosing our final selections, which will be published by Nightingale & Sparrow Press between March 2020 and January 2021.

    The Longlist

    A letter from your sheets // if your sheets could speak – Elizabeth Kemball

    Bouquet of Fears – Noa Covo

    Cold Feet Scars – Rene Mullen

    dizzy – Grace Sullivan

    echoes – Heather Parker

    ephemeral – Samantha Rose

    Flickering Light Post – Nicky Gutierrez

    Let Fall, Like Dreams Beloved – M. Shayne Bell

    Love – Jaundré van Breda

    My Friend, Grief – Cat Woodbury

    Mythweaver – Madison Zehmer

    Natalie – Keana Aguila Labra

    Night-Split Dreams & the Green-Eyed Fly – W. E. Pasquini

    Oddbody – May Chong

    Queer Girl Falls – Lannie Stabile

    Re-WILDing – Eliot North

    She Flocks Away – Leona Wilde

    the time when I – Tia Haynes

    The Book of Likes – Heather Sweeney

    The Other Side of the Fence – Hibah Shabkhez

    Tripping Up the Stairs – Richard-Yves Sitoski

    Tryst – Eileen Farrelly

    Vincent – Paul Brookes

    Winterlunes – Rachel B. Baxter

  • 2020 Publications

    Screaming from the Silence anthology – Vociferous Press, 28 January 2020

    love, issue no. V – Nightingale & Sparrow Literary Magazine, 13 February 2020

    A letter from your sheets // if your sheets could speak., 10 March 2020

    Dichotomy – Mikhayla Robinson, 24 March 2020

    A Daughter for Mr. Spider – Megan Russo, 14 April 2020

    melody, issue no. VI – Nightingale & Sparrow Literary Magazine, 14 May 2020

    Natalie – Keana Aguila Labra, 26 May 2020

    you were supposed to be a friend – Ashley Elizabeth, 16 June 2020

    Bouquet of Fears – Noa Covo, 28 July 2020

    Reproductive Rights anthology (title TBD) – Vociferous Press, 14 July 2020

    • Submissions information here

    TBD Full-Length, 25 August 2020

    • Submission information here

    schoolhouse, issue no. VII – Nightingale & Sparrow Literary Magazine, 13 August 2020

    All the Shades of Grief – Ellora Sutton, 8 September 2020

    Queer Girl Falls – Lannie Stabile, 22 September 2020

    Heal My Way Home – Rachel Tanner, 20 October 2020

    TBA Microchapbook, 10 November 2020

    woodland, issue no. VIII – Nightingale & Sparrow Literary Magazine, 19 November 2020

    TBD Full-Length, 8 December 2020

    What Lasts Beyond the Burning – A.A. Parr, 15 December 2020

    Nightingale & Sparrow Micropoets: The Top Ten – 2020, 22 December 2020

  • Cemetery Music by Birdy Odell

    Cemetery Music
    by Birdy Odell

    Publication Date: 10 December 2019
    Nightingale & Sparrow Press

    Genre: Mixed Media



    In Cemetery Music, the conflicting feelings we have around death and dying are explored in a collection of vignettes created by pairing found words, that are markedly melancholy, with artwork that is lighthearted, hopeful, and poignant.

    The poems themselves invoke an emotional response using very few words. There is sadness in death. It is a universal reaction.  Using words that have been discarded highlights our fear of loss. Memories are often all we have left.  Happy memories are still tinged with sorrow. And yet, somehow, we carry on.

    Print | Kindle | PDF


    Author Statement


    Author Interview


    About the Author


    Birdy Odell is a Canadian artist and writer whose work highlights themes of death, loss, and the difficulties of childhood. Her work has appeared in various literary magazines and has been described as “haunting, melancholy and nostalgic.” She prefers books to people and is currently at work on a new collection.


  • An Excerpt from Cemetery Music by Birdy Odell

    ‘when it’s all over
    we shall not see the light,
    neither sky, nor bitter ocean
    but the thin, pure moment
    of creation’

    Cemetery Music - excerpt

  • An Interview with Birdy Odell

    First and foremost, what inspired you to write Cemetery Music

    When I begin a collection of work, I’m not entirely sure which direction it will take.  In fact when I drew the little birds that illustrate the poems I did it separately. It wasn’t until later on that I began to attach words to the images.  I wasn’t sure they would resonate with people. In fact, I very nearly didn’t submit this collection for that reason.   

    I’ve always been at odds with the notion of dying.  It seems, on one hand, a lovely reprieve, and on the other a spectre that hovers over me each day threatening my happiness.  It’s not that I set out to write about death, it’s what bubbles up as I sift through piles of cut up words. I think of it as a form of therapy.  

    Why found words?  

    My process is organic.  Intuitive. I am not a writer who studies various forms of poetry and follows a prescribed set of rules. Writing poetry is, for me, an expression of emotional thought, a way to put unnamed feeling into words.  Using found words allows me to go into a completely relaxed headspace. I let the words come forward. I may find a phrase that I like and that will be the jumping off point. Sometimes it comes easily and other times it will take days to complete one poem.  If I overthink it, I get nothing. The words sound too contrived. Working without forcing my agenda onto the words provides a more organic experience. It’s like a treasure hunt. And I am thrilled when I find something that just fits.  

    Birds are a recurring (and oh so beautiful!) image throughout this collection–is there a particular significance to them?

    I think I find in them a beautiful sadness and I’m drawn to that.  They may be charming little chatterboxes or thoughtful predators. But I don’t know that they ever seem entirely comfortable.  We find beauty in a seagull soaring overhead. But its own experience is an endless quest for food. I am thrilled when the geese fly off in the fall and love to hear the hush, hush, of their wings in between calls. I take joy in such a peaceful moment but for them it is the beginning of a perilous and exhausting journey.  A chickadee huddled in on itself in the dead of winter says so much to me. As does the first sight of a robin in the spring.  

    When I was 10 years old I found a great horned owl beside our house when I went to get the garden hose.  It scared me to death as a child but as an adult, I think how lucky I was to have seen that. And not long ago my husband and I were driving in the country.  A snowy owl was perched on a post. It took flight but low to the ground and just in front of the car all the way down the snow covered gravel road. Like a guardian leading us home. 

    Did you struggle at all, writing about a topic as difficult as death?

    I think I was born into the middle of an existential crisis.  I’ve thought about death for as long as I can remember. So in some respects it’s been a constant companion.   Death, while difficult, isn’t as hard for me as loss. That’s much worse. I think most of us would say the same.  We don’t fear our own demise as much as that of those we stand to lose. 

    The first funeral I attended was that of a family friend who had been beaten to death.  It was sad. For sure. But it was his existence that really wounded me. It was tragic.    

    I find writing about death kind of lovely in a way.   I love the poignancy, the nostalgia and the peacefulness of a cemetery walk.  There is a strange comfort there. And yet knowing we are all going to die is still terrifying to me.   It is an absolute paradox. An unsolvable riddle. One I continue to pick at through poetry. 

    What was your process in writing this book?  Did you create the pieces individually and notice these through-lines or set out with this final product in mind? 

    I had been writing fiction for awhile in an attempt to be a novelist.  But one day I just made the conscious decision that anything I wrote from now on would be only for me.  I wanted to simply enjoy the process. That’s it. Once I gave myself permission to do that it was amazing how productive I suddenly became.   So with this book the birds came first. Every day I’d just paint a little bird. In the meantime I was working on found poetry with vintage photos, which is my first love really, and then one day I pulled out a picture of one of the birds and added  the words, “between the beating of heavy wings, the weary heart smiled” and that was it. The words dictated the image. I most often find the words first and then the image they depict. The process itself is tremendously cathartic. It’s a mood. I try to explain it but most often if the writing is going well I feel as if I’m just the messenger.   And as I completed more and more of the poems I realized that I was writing about death. I hesitated about the imagery but by then it had a mind of its own. 

    Do you have a favourite piece(s) from this collection?  

    I love so many but I think the one that sort of sums it all up is this,

    ‘I am but
    A place in time
    Echoing the sun’

    It is the circle of life, days come and go, seasons change.  Babies are born, people die. But in echoing the sun I am able to find joy while I am here. 

    Were there any pieces you decided not to include in the final version? Or pieces you added later in the process? 

    Yes, a few, mostly for formatting and page count.  Here are two.

    above the tiny garden
    perfumed lavender
    little streams, very blue
    all wet with tears
    as it began to rain


    the old man was weeping
    watching birds hop from
    branch to branch
    he felt pity for them
    like any ordinary day
    among the cherry trees

    Who would you most recommend Cemetery Music to?

    I think that anyone who has suffered a loss will identify with the poems in this book.  But because the images are lighthearted it isn’t limited to those who grieve. The poignancy of a small moment captured in very few words is something we can all relate to.  I write in vignettes on purpose. I prefer a few words that make me think or resonate with me. And even though there is a melancholy tone to the book it is still a book of comfort and sweetness.  

    What have been your favourite and least favourite parts of the publication process?

    This year from start to finish has been a learning curve.  Having my first chapbook published has been thrilling at times and at others I’ve been ready to close the blinds and hide.  But all in all I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Having an editor/publisher who understands both sides of the process has been a gift.  And when my proof copy came in the mail I felt like I’d crossed an imaginary finish line.   

    I have actually enjoyed the whole process.  The only part I find difficult is tooting my own horn.  But I’m learning.  

    Do you have any advice for those who might want to follow in your footsteps?

    I would say write what you want.  Don’t try to imitate anyone else’s voice.  Start small. There are so many lit mags that are happy to support new writers.  It’s fun to see your work out there and feels great to have publishing credits to add to your submissions.  Never give up. And be grateful.  

    What project(s) are you working on going forward?

    I’m feeling the need to work on something about shame.  This ties into my childhood themes and will still be in the found word style.  At the moment I’m working on artwork again. When the time is right the words will come.  In the meantime I have other manuscripts out there in the world of submissions and art to make for an upcoming show. 

    Besides the amazing work you’ve created here, what’s your favourite piece you’ve ever created? How about your favourite by someone else?

    That’s a tough one but I love a short story I wrote called ‘The Gardener’,  (you can find it on Commaful) in fact there are a few I adore, ‘Goodnight Alice’ is another one. ( Imagine Alice in Wonderland on her 90th birthday.)   Each piece I create is my favourite in the moment. 

    I feel like my favourite poem about death is appropriate here.  It’s by Christina Rossetti.

    From the Antique (1852)

    The wind shall lull us yet,
    The flowers shall spring above us:
    And those who hate forget,
    And those forget who love us.

    The pulse of hope shall cease,
    Of joy and of regretting:
    We twain shall sleep in peace,
    Forgotten and forgetting.

    For us no sun shall rise,
    No wind rejoice, nor river,
    Where we with fast-closed eyes
    Shall sleep and sleep forever.